
An isomorphic, load-anywhere function to convert an HTML string to a DOM tree

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dommo from '';


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An isomorphic, load-anywhere function to convert an HTML string to a DOM tree.

import dommo from './node_modules/dommo/index.mjs'

/* passing in HTML with a single root returns an element */
const el = dommo('<some-element>something</some-element>')

/* passing in HTML with multiple root elements returns a DocumentFragment */
const frag = dommo('<some-element>something</some-element><some-element>something</some-element>')

Load anywhere

This library can be loaded anywhere, natively without transpilation.


const dommo = require('dommo')

Within Node.js with ECMAScript Module support enabled:

import dommo from 'dommo'

Within a modern browser ECMAScript Module:

import dommo from './node_modules/dommo/index.mjs'

Old browser (adds window.dommo):

<script nomodule src="./node_modules/dommo/dist/index.js"></script>

© 2018-19 Lloyd Brookes <>.