
Javascript API for Dormouse

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dormouse from '';


dormousejs is a javascript library to help access the dormouse crowdsourcing platform's API.

It is compatible with the node.js engine, and can be installed in one line

npm install dormouse

It can also be used in modern browsers by including the bundled file found in dist/dormouse.js


  • Connects to specifiable dormouse server
  • queues tasks
  • receives responses
  • Includes a task Query API
  • Rendering of task templates using the {{ mustache.js }} style

First steps

  • If client-side, use the global $dm object
  • If server-side, require('dormouse') to get the object
  • Use the setter methods, $dm.server(...) and $dm.api_key(...) to access Dormouse
  • Start playing with tasks from your favorite project using $dm.getTasks(...)