
Parse, convert, and write Todo files

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dotTodoParser from '';



NPM package for parsing Todo files.

Features roadmap:

  • parses Todo files
  • in progress convert to JSON
  • in progress convert to CSV/TSV
  • in progress writes Todo file

Getting started


npm install dottodo-parser


Parse a Todo file into an array of tasks:

const fs = require('fs');
const tp = require('todo-parser');

const todoAsText = fs.readFileSync('./');
const todo = tp.parse(todoAsText);
// Example value of 'todo':
// [
//     {
//         title: 'Some title',
//         done: false,
//         tags: ['some tag'],
//         attributes: [
//             {name: 'some name', value: 'some value'}
//         ],
//         parent: null,
//         children: []
//     }
// ]

Tasks have the following properties:

  • title
  • done: whether the prefix box is ticked ([x]) or not ([ ])
  • tags
  • attributes: array of {name: string, value: string}
  • parent: index, in the array, of the parent task, ie the one with a smaller indentation in the Todo file. null if no parent
  • children: indices, in the array, of childrent tasks