
Common Form annotator to find and identify redundant and repeated number(s) and numeral(s)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import doubleplusNumbers from '';



doubleplus-numbers provides a Common Form annotator to find and identify redundant and repeated number(s) and numeral(s).

Build Status

var assert = require('assert')
var annotator = require('doubleplus-numbers')

  annotator({ content: [ 'Give me two (2) of those. Four (4) of the other one, too.' ] }),
  [ { message: '"two (2)" repeats a written number and numeral, which is redundant and error-prone',
      level: "info",
      path: [ 'content', 0 ],
      source: 'doubleplus-numbers',
      url: null },
    { message: '"Four (4)" repeats a written number and numeral, which is redundant and error-prone',
      level: "info",
      path: [ 'content', 0 ],
      source: 'doubleplus-numbers',
      url: null } ])