Doubly Linked List
Javascript implementation of a doubly linked list data structure
npm install doubly-linked-list
const DoublyLinkedList = require('doubly-linked-list');
// Create a new, empty list.
const list = new DoublyLinkedList();
// Insert value at the beginning of the list.
// Retrieve the first item of the list (without removing it).
const first = list.getFirst();
// Transform the linked list into an array.
const array = list.toArray();
// Remove the first item from the list.
const first = list.removeFirst();
// Remove the first occurrence the given value from the list.
// Returns true if an element was removed, false otherwise.
const wasRemoved = list.remove(1);
## Running the Tests
In the project directory:
### `npm install`
Install all the dependecies for the project.
### `npm test`
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.<br>
See the section about [running tests]( for more information.
## Authors
* **Syed Muhammad Rizwan** - [syedmrizwan](