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Documentation for multiple file download functionality(Zip File)
Overview: This document describes the way to use the download Zip file component in a Vuejs project anywhere,without any dependencies.You can simply import this component anywhere in your project and register it by passing the object consisting of urls and the document details.
Requirements: Vue: ^2.0.0 Jszip: ^3.5.0 jszip-utils:^0.1.0 File-saver: ^1.3.8
Installation: npm install jszip-utils: A library for creating, reading and editing .zip files with JavaScript, with a lovely and simple API. npm install jszip: A collection of cross-browser utilities to go along with JSZip. npm install file-saver --save: FileSaver.js is the solution to saving files on the client-side, and is perfect for web apps that generates files on the client
Usage: While registering the component anywhere in the project,you simply have to pass the dynamic props Object to the registered component. This Object should contain the following: The array consisting of the document URLs and their names/file names (files to be downloaded). The zipFileName you need to give once,the zip file is downloaded. Some naming conventions: fileObject: Object consisting of the document URLs and the zip file name. fileArray1: Array consisting of document URLs and file names. zipFileName:The name you want to give to your zip file,once it is downloaded.