
Lib for transform draft.js content state

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import draftJsTransform from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/draft-js-transform';


Draftjs transform

A library for transform Draftjs ContentState.

How to use

Create your own outputer

// mappings.js

// Simple HTML output
export const htmlOutputer: Outputer = {
  inlineStyle: {
    italic: (text) => `<em>${ text }</em>`,
    bold: (text) => `<strong>${ text }</strong>`,
    underline: (text) => `<u>${ text }</u>`
  block: {
    "unstyled": (text) => `<p>${ text }</p>`,

// Simple TeX mapping
export const texOutputer: Outputer = {
  inlineStyle: {
    italic: (text) => `\textit{${ text }}`,
    bold: (text) => `\textbf{${ text }}`,
    underline: (text) => `\underline{${ text }}`
  block: {
    "unstyled": (text) => `${ text }`

// Or dummy mapping
export const dummyOutputer: Outputer = {
  inlineStyle: {
    italic: (text) => `__i${ text }|i__`,
    bold: (text) => `__b${ text }|b__`,
    underline: (text) => `__u${ text }|u__`
  block: {
    "unstyled": (text) => `__p${ text }|p__`

And transform

import { transform } from "draft-js-transform"
import { htmlOutputer, texOutputer, dummyOutputer } from "./mappings"

// Ok, let's create a HTML transform
const htmlTransform: DraftjsTransform = transform(htmlOutputer)

// Ok, let's create a TeX transform
const texTransform: DraftjsTransform = transform(texOutputer)

// Ok, let's create a dummy transform
const dummyTransform: DraftjsTransform = transform(dummyOutputer)

// Draftjs have 'convertToRaw' function whish allow to export Draftjs ContentState
// to a simple Javascript object
const raw = convertToRaw(...)

// And transform...
const htmlString: string = htmlTransform(raw)
const texString: string = texTransform(raw)
const dummyString: string = dummyTransform(raw)

Road map

  • Update the list parsing for matching with Markdown
  • Add other feature
  • Add more test ^^


Pull requests are always welcome :)