
drafty-editor is a text editor that allows you to make amazing things with your text, it's very small and it react when you select to a text.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import draftyEditor from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/drafty-editor';



NPM JavaScript Style Guide
drafty-editor is a text editor that allows you to make amazing things with your text, it's very small and it react when you select to a text.


Ey, we have a web where you can try the editor 🐠 Drafty Website


   npm install --save-dev drafty-editor


import React, { Component } from 'react'

import Draft from 'drafty-editor'

class App extends Component {
  render () {
    return (
      <Draft />

How can I create a link (Link tag)?

I had problems with this and the only solution right now is:

  • Select your text.
  • Place the mouse above of link icon (should appear a input above of the link icon).
  • Write the url.
  • When you finish of write the link press 'Enter'.

How was created 😗?

Well, I'm react developer (I love it 💖) besides this projects it's just JSX and CSS.

Why not preprocessors?

Okay... okay, preprocessor are so cool, and I know make easier the work, but I dind't need it.

Can I improve your code or take it how example? 😎

Yeah, you can!.


react: What?, you don't know what react is?... Go to its website react is amazing!
git: Git allows you to keep control on your project (At this case I used it with Github) Git
parcel: Parcel makes your project quikly and you don't need write a lot of code like webpack Parcel
prettier: Make your code beautiful with prettier Prettier


MIT © Jhornan Colina (karttofel)