
Bundle with services to develop applications with express - Express initialization and app service - Initialize basic http authentication for all http requests - Set or remove http headers for all http requests - Provide the language data with the determined language in the views - Make package information for the application available in views - Serves the static files with compression support - Swig express integration to bind ".twig" views to the swig renderer

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dragonnodejsExpress from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dragonnodejs-express';


DragonNode.js Express

Bundle with services to develop applications with express

  • Express initialization and app service
  • Initialize basic http authentication for all http requests
  • Set or remove http headers for all http requests
  • Provide the language data with the determined language in the views
  • Make package information for the application available in views
  • Serves the static files with compression support
  • Swig express integration to bind ".twig" views to the swig renderer


  • Run npm install dragonnodejs-express --save
  • Add the bundle to the "app.js":
let modules = [
    [require('dragonnodejs-express'), [
        ['app', { listen: [process.env.PORT] }],
        ['auth', {
            disabled: process.env.AUTH_DISABLED,
            users: process.env.AUTH_USERS,
            user: process.env.AUTH_USER,
            password: process.env.AUTH_PASSWORD,
            realm: process.env.AUTH_REALM
        ['header', [
            ['X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff'],
            ['X-Download-Options', 'noopen'],
            ['X-Frame-Options', 'DENY'],
            ['X-Powered-By', null],
            ['X-UA-Compatible', 'IE=edge,chrome=1'],
            ['X-XSS-Protection', '1; mode=block']
        ['language', {
            default: 'en',
            directory: __dirname + '/languages/',
            languages: ['de', 'en']
        ['package', require(__dirname + '/package.json')],
        ['static', { directory: __dirname + '/web/' }],
        ['swig', { directory: __dirname + '/views/' }]


  • Set environment variable "NODE_ENV" to "production" to enable express internal optimizations