
A dependency-free JavaScript library for working with durations/time spans using pure functions and primitive types, written in TypeScript.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dration from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dration';



pronounced "duration"

A dependency-free JavaScript library for working with durations/time spans using pure functions and primitive types, written in TypeScript.

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With npm:

npm install dration

Or with yarn

yarn add dration

There are also UMD and ES Modules builds in lib/. The entire library is tree-shakeable, and has the proper configurations in package.json for bundlers like Webpack to pick it up.


The functions are pure and work with milliseconds. The benefit of this is you don't need "add", "subtract", "greater than" and "equals"-style functions; just use regular JavaScript!

import * as Duration from 'dration'

const value = Duration.of(0, 0, 2) // creates a duration of 2 minutes
console.log(value) // 120000
console.log(typeof value) // "number"

// `fromMinutes` is a shortcut to creating a duration of 2 minutes
const newValue = value + Duration.fromMinutes(2) 
console.log(newValue) // 240000
console.log(Duration.format(newValue)) // 00:04:00

// A nice bonus of just using numbers, you can add a duration to a date quite easily:
const twoDaysFromNow = new Date(Date.now() + Duration.fromDays(2))


The functions exposed by dration are quite simple and all follow the same form. When referring to a "duration", it means a numeric value in milliseconds.

of(ms: number, s?: number, m?: number, h?: number, d?: number): number

Probably the most important function, converts individual time components to a duration. Leaving any arguments out is the same as passing 0.

The arguments are:

  1. milliseconds
  2. seconds
  3. minutes
  4. hours
  5. days

The from functions

There are from functions for each unit, and they all take a single parameter, the amount:

  • fromSeconds(seconds: number): number
  • fromMinutes(minutes: number): number
  • fromHours(hours: number): number
  • fromDays(days: number): number

between(left: Date, right: Date): number

Returns the duration (milliseconds) between 2 dates.

const start = new Date('2019-05-28T12:00:00Z')
const end = new Date('2019-05-29T14:00:00Z')

const value = Duration.between(start, end)

console.log(value) // 1 02:00:00

format(duration: number): string

Formats a duration to a string in d hh:mm:ss.sss format, with days and milliseconds left out if zero.

    of(50, 4, 33, 2, 1)
// "1 02:33:04.050"


Jeff Hansen — @Jeffijoe