
A library to transform to structured rich text.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import drewTesting123 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/drew-testing-123';



This libary provides two functions, one that takes candyXML, and one that takes a string. Both return rich text as structured JSON. The structured JSON uses the format that Optimo have opted for, see (here)[https://confluence.dev.bbc.co.uk/display/cps/Optimo+Client+Text+Blocks] for more details.

Supported block types

The Optimo format consists of an array of nested ‘blocks’, where a block has a “type” (such as paragraph), and “model”. The model can contain fields such as ‘text’, attributes on that text - such as ‘bold’. The model can also contain an array of child blocks.

There are many types of block available.

Currently, this library only supports the following block types:

  • paragraph
  • text
  • urlLink
  • fragment

Installation in a FABL module

Add the following to the dependencies block in package.json:

  "@fabl/rich-text-transforms": "../../libraries/rich-text-transforms"



const { candyXmlToRichText } = require("@fabl/rich-text-transforms")

const xml = `
    Read more:
        <url href="https://example.com/foo"/>
      </link> bar <bold>baz</bold>

  "type": "text",
    "model": {
      "blocks": [
        "type": "paragraph",
        "model": {
          "text": "Read more: foo bar baz",
          "blocks": [
              "type": "fragment",
              "model": {
                "text": "Read more: ",
                "attributes": []
            "type": "urlLink",
            "model": {
              "text": "foo",
              "locator": "https://example.com/foo",
              "blocks": [
                  "type": "fragment",
                  "model": {
                    "text": "foo",
                    "attributes": []
            "type": "fragment",
            "model": {
              "text": " bar ",
              "attributes": []
            "type": "fragment",
            "model": {
              "text": "baz",
              "attributes": [


const stringToRichText = require("@fabl/rich-text-transforms")

const string = "Hello world"

  "type": "text",
  "model": {
    "blocks": [
        "type": "paragraph",
        "model": {
          "text": "Hello world",
          "blocks": [
              "type": "fragment",
              "model": {
                "text": "Hello world",
                "attributes": []