
Android Drawable Material Icon Downloader | Unpack icons from command line

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import droidcon from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/droidcon';



Android Drawable Material Icon Downloader | Unpack icons from command line

While working on android, you need to download icons from https://design.google.com/icons, select your icon, choose size and color and then download zip file. Once zip file is downloaded, you need to extract in right folder, copy icons from android folder, merge it inside existing drawables and delete zip file.

Well, droidcon will make your life simpler. Install droidcon globally on npm

npm install -g droidcon

open command window from your android res folder where drawable folder is situated.

use following command to download and extract icons

droidcon --name delete-forever --size 18dp --color black

default icon is delete forever, default size is 18dp and default color is black

name of the icon can be found on https://design.google.com/icons. Replace space in the name with dash, ex. delete forever => delete-forever

size can be written as 24 or 24dp style. You can also find sizes on above link when you click a icon.


Above command will download and unpack icons automatically and clean up download files.

Wanna taste of it, open any folder and use simple command droidcon.