
Specify a drop area and get a dataurl. Simple as that.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dropFileDataurl from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/drop-file-dataurl';



Module for creating a drop area where people can drop files and you will get the data-uri as a callback. Install it with npm install drop-file-dataurl. This is created for the use with Browserify.


  require('drop-file-dataurl')(droparea, callback[, check])

where the dataURL is passed to the callback.

The optional check function takes the File object and the return value determines whether the second callback will be fired or not. This is useful for mime-type filtering.


Simple Usage

  var dropfile = require('drop-file-dataurl')
  var droparea = document.querySelector('#droparea')
  dropfile(droparea, function (dataURL) {
    console.log('The file', dataURL)

Usage with check

  function (dataURL) {
    // note that the context of the callback is the droparea.
    this.querySelector('img').src = dataURL
  function (file) {
    return file.type.split('/')[0] === 'image'

Run an example

If you have beefy installed, you can run an example with npm run example (see examples folder).