
Fetch the access token of your Dropbox Platform app from the command line

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dropboxAuthCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dropbox-auth-cli';



Fetch the access token of your Dropbox Platform app from the command line.


If you want to work with the Dropbox API, you need an access token. Access tokens are tied to Dropbox Platform apps, so you first need to register your app as a Dropbox Platform app:



npm install dropbox-auth-cli -g

CLI Usage

From the command line, run dropbox-auth and enter your Dropbox Platform App key and secret.

The Dropbox access token will be stored in ~/.config/dropbox.json.

Programmatic Usage

You can run the module programmaticly as well:

var dropboxAuth = require('dropbox-auth-cli');

dropboxAuth(function (err, token) {
  console.log('The users token is:' token);