A group of dropdown select controls for React JS.
- Multi Select
- Async Select
- Auto Complete
- Minimal Interface
- Can Control using Keyboard
- Works with redux-form
Add package using Yarn or Npm.
yarn add dropdown-select
npm install dropdown-select
Import dropdown select controls and its styles into your component.
import { Select, AsyncSelect, MultiSelect } from 'dropdown-select';
import 'dropdown-select/dist/css/dropdown-select.css';
Alternatively, you can import the styles from .scss
files as follows:
@import '~dropdown-select/dist/css/dropdown-select.css';
Simple Select: (with array of string options)
options={['option1', 'option2', ...]}
Simple Select: (with array of object options)
options = [
label: 'label1',
value: 'value1'
label: 'label2',
value: 'value2'
<Select options={options} labelKey="label" valueKey="value" />
Async Select:
<AsyncSelect fetchOptions={this.fetchOptions} />
Multi Select: (Checkboxed Options)
It accepts and returns array of options
<MultiSelect options={[]} />
Using simple select as custom component in redux-form
renderSelectField({ input, options, meta: { touched, error } }) {
return (
{touched && error && <span className="error">{error}</span>}
render() {
const { handleSubmit } = this.props
const options = []
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
Functional Properties:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
autoComplete | boolean | true | Enables / Disables auto complete options while typing |
disabled | boolean | false | To disable the select or not |
fetchOptions | function | undefined | Async Select property, the control calls this function when input value changed |
labelKey | string | undefined | Used to identify the option label |
options | array | [] | Array of strings (OR) Array of objects |
onChange | function | undefined | Control onChange event handler, this function will be called with new option as parameter |
placeholder | string / array | string | Input placeholder, for Multi Select you can pass an array with singular and plural name for items. Eg: ['Person', 'People'] |
tabIndex | string | undefined | tabIndex of the control |
value | string / object / array | '' or [] | For Multi select, the default value is [] and for Simple and Async select, the default value is empty string |
valueKey | string | undefined | Used to identify the option value |
Style Properties:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
className | String | undefined | Overrides outer control styles |
inputClassName | String | undefined | Overrides control input styles |
optionsClassName | String | undefined | Overrides control options container styles |
optionClassName | String | undefined | Overrides control option styles |
Notes on Performance:
<Select />
if options length < 200Use
<AsyncSelect />
if options length > 200
Further Reading
For advanced use cases, please refer react-select