
A Dropdown Select Control for React JS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dropdownSelect from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dropdown-select';



A group of dropdown select controls for React JS.


Live Demo:


  • Multi Select
  • Async Select
  • Auto Complete
  • Minimal Interface
  • Can Control using Keyboard
  • Works with redux-form


Add package using Yarn or Npm.

yarn add dropdown-select
npm install dropdown-select


Import dropdown select controls and its styles into your component.

import { Select, AsyncSelect, MultiSelect } from 'dropdown-select';
import 'dropdown-select/dist/css/dropdown-select.css';

Alternatively, you can import the styles from .scss files as follows:

@import '~dropdown-select/dist/css/dropdown-select.css';

Simple Select: (with array of string options)

  options={['option1', 'option2', ...]}

Simple Select: (with array of object options)

options = [
    label: 'label1',
    value: 'value1'
    label: 'label2',
    value: 'value2'
<Select options={options} labelKey="label" valueKey="value" />

Async Select:

<AsyncSelect fetchOptions={this.fetchOptions} />

Multi Select: (Checkboxed Options)

It accepts and returns array of options

<MultiSelect options={[]} />

Using simple select as custom component in redux-form

renderSelectField({ input, options, meta: { touched, error } }) {
  return (
      {touched && error && <span className="error">{error}</span>}

render() {
  const { handleSubmit } = this.props
  const options = []

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>

Functional Properties:

Property Type Default Description
autoComplete boolean true Enables / Disables auto complete options while typing
disabled boolean false To disable the select or not
fetchOptions function undefined Async Select property, the control calls this function when input value changed
labelKey string undefined Used to identify the option label
options array [] Array of strings (OR) Array of objects
onChange function undefined Control onChange event handler, this function will be called with new option as parameter
placeholder string / array string Input placeholder, for Multi Select you can pass an array with singular and plural name for items. Eg: ['Person', 'People']
tabIndex string undefined tabIndex of the control
value string / object / array '' or [] For Multi select, the default value is [] and for Simple and Async select, the default value is empty string
valueKey string undefined Used to identify the option value

Style Properties:

Property Type Default Description
className String undefined Overrides outer control styles
inputClassName String undefined Overrides control input styles
optionsClassName String undefined Overrides control options container styles
optionClassName String undefined Overrides control option styles

Notes on Performance:

  • Use <Select /> if options length < 200

  • Use <AsyncSelect /> if options length > 200

Further Reading

For advanced use cases, please refer react-select