
dropdown menu

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dropthings from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dropthings';


What is this?

Get awesome drop-down menus and mobile menus. Really easy to implement


npm i dropthings --save

How to use

You need to specify the selector (DOMstring) where you will append the drop-down or the parentNode.

import {Dropdown,Menu} from "dropthings";
const exampleDropdown = new Dropdown('.someDivClass','Name',options);
const exampleMenu  =new Menu('.anotherDiv','menuType',options,dropdownOptions);

//You can also put the parentNode
const parentDiv = document.createElement('div');
const exampleDropdown2 = new Dropdown(parentDiv,'Awesome name',options);


Here you need to specify the name of this drop-down. The name will be the text in the drop-down menu.


import {Dropdown} from "dropthings";
// New dropdown inserted in div1:
const drop1 = new Dropdown('.dropdown-div1','Animation 1');
drop1.appendElement('Element 1');
drop1.appendElement('Element 2');
drop1.appendElement('Element 3');
drop1.appendElement('Element 4');


  • showType: -string: 'click' or 'hover'. Default 'hover'.
  • animation: -string: (animation1, animation2...) or -function: defaultAnimation(element,idx). Default 'animation1'.
  • navColor: -string: rgba or hexagesimal or color name. This is the color of the button. Default '#ddd'.
  • liColor: -srting: rgba or hexagesimal or color name. This means the color of the elements. Default '#666'.
  • width: -string: a valid imput for width style. e.g '20px' or '100%'. Default '150px'.
  • height: -string: a valid imput for a height style. eg '10px' or '100%'. Default '65px'.
  • fontSize: -string: a valid imput for a font-size style. Default '14px'.
  • textTransform: -string: see text-transform. Default 'uppercase'.


You could pass the type of menu. By default is 'static'.


import {Menu} from "dropthings";
const menu = new Menu('.Menu-div','more-collapse');
menu.appendElement('Element 1');
menu.appendElement('Element 2');
menu.appendElement('Element 3');
menu.appendElement('Element 4');


  • navColor: -string: rgba or hexagesimal or color name. This is the color of the button. Default '#ddd'.
  • height: -string: a valid imput for a height style. eg '10px' or '100%'. Default '65px'.
  • dropdownOptions: See dropdown options


You need pass the divSelector or when you want to append your slider, also the image Width and image Height.


import {Slider} from "dropthings";
const slider1 = new Slider('.slider',450,450,{autoSlide:5000, frameColor:'gray'});


  • imgHeight: -number (in pixels). By default its equal to imgWidth, but you should pass this argument too.
  • autoSlide: -number (in miliseconds) or 'none'. The number is how often the image will change. 'none' means not auto slide Default: 5000;
  • frameSize: -number (pixels). If you want a frame. Default 10.
  • frameColor: -color. A valid color for your frame.
  • borderRadius: -string. It could be in pixels, procentage or wathever. Default 20px.