
Read ds18x20 temperature sensors with Raspberry Pi.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ds1820Temp from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ds1820-temp';


Read DS18x20 Sensors With Raspberry Pi

This is a library for reading DS18x20 family temperature sensors with a Raspberry Pi and node.js.


Install using npm:

npm install ds1820-temp

Or download the source code and install dependencies with npm install.


The library exposes three methods; list devices, read all devices, and read single device.

All functions Return a Promise or you can supply callback that takes two arguments (error and result).

List devices

listDevices([cb(error, result)])

Result is an array of device IDs as strings.

Read All Devices

readDevices([cb(error, result)])

Result is an array of objects with two attributes: id (the device ID) and value (the temperature read).

Read Single Device

readDevice(deviceId, [cb(error, result])

Takes the device ID as an argument. The result is an object with two attributes: id (the device ID) and value (the temperature read).


var sensors = require('1wire');

// promise based
  function (devices) {
    console.log('Read all devices', devices);
  function (err) {
    console.log('An error occurred', err);

// callback based
sensors.readDevices(function (err, devices) {
  if (err) {
    console.log('An error occurred', err);

  console.log('Read all devices', devices);