
Provides an interface for Dallas DS2413 io modules over the DS2482 onewire bridge

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ds2482Io from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ds2482-io';


DS2413 Onewire IO Module

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Provides an interface for Dallas DS2413 IO modules over the DS2482 onewire bridge


$ npm install ds2482-io


var DS2413 = require('ds2482-io');

var io = new DS2413();

io.init(function(err) {
  if (err) { throw err; }
  io.search(function(err, modules) {
    if (err) { throw err; }
    modules.forEach(function(module) {
      module.write({PIOA: true}, function(err, resp) {
        if (err) { throw err; }
        console.log(resp); // Returns the status of each module


new DS2413([options])

Creates an interface for Dallas DS2413 IO modules

  • options.wire an instance of wire

new DS2413.Module(rom [, options])

Creates an io module instance

  • rom the ROM address of the module as a 16 character hex encoded string
  • options.wire an instance of wire


Resets the bridge chip and any onewire devices connected to it


Searches the bus and returns a list of found io modules

  <Module "3ae9f412000000a6">


Reads the current pin and latch state status of the module

  PIOA: {pin: false, latch: false},
  PIOB: {pin: false, latch: false}

module.write(state, callback)

Writes the latch state to the module and returns the current status

  • state.PIOA a flag to enable the output latch state of pin A
  • state.PIOB a flag to enable the output latch state of pin B
  PIOA: {pin: true, latch: true},
  PIOB: {pin: false, latch: false}