<dscape> ideally i would want
<dscape> range(function (doc) { return 'athlete:u17:w:100dash' }, {type: 'string', collation: 'base'})
<dscape> and then just query that by whatever i called it :)
<mikeal> yeah, you could have that, but better
<dscape> range.query('athlete:u17:w:100dash') // sorted list, accounting for dups
<mikeal> dude, use arrays
<mikeal> :)
<mikeal> seriously, you're going to get them stuck in string slice hell
<dscape> is there anything like this?
<mikeal> it's like 10 lines of code
<mikeal> lemme write this for you real quick
<dscape> i can see that - you are right
<dscape> i just want them to understand what they are programing
var index = require('./')('./testindex')
, assert = require('assert')
index.put(['name', 0], 1, function (e) {
if (e) throw e
index.put(['name', 1, 8], 1, function (e) {
if (e) throw e
index.query(['name'], [{}], function (e, results) {
if (e) throw e
assert.equal(2, results.length)