
A WebGL2 Enterprise PBR sample renderer

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dspbrPt from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dspbr-pt';


Enterprise PBR Sample Renderer (Demo | Validation Report)

A WebGL2 path-tracer implementing the Enterprise PBR Shading Model (DSPBR).



The renderer serves as a fancy wrapper for the Enterprise PBR Shading Model code sample, performance is not a priority. Some major limiting factors are

  • Naive single-level BVH acceleration structure which is slow and prohibits dynamic scenes.
  • Plain WebGL2 for accessibility reasons. Implied API limits and required overhead in shader complexity to make "arbitrary" scenes with texturable PBR materials work for path-tracing is insane and a major performance drag.
  • No light importance sampling. Expect a significant amount of slow-converging noise for high frequency lighting scenarios and rough materials.


npm install dspbr-pt


import { PathtracingRenderer, PerspectiveCamera, Loader} from 'dspbr-pt';

let renderer = new PathtracingRenderer(canvas);
let camera = new PerspectiveCamera(45, canvas.width/canvas.height, 0.01, 1000);

const normalizeSceneDimension = true; 
const scenePromise = Loader.loadScene(scene_url, normalizeSceneDimension);
const iblPromise = Loader.loadIBL(ibl_url);

Promise.all([scenePromise, iblPromise]).then(([gltf, ibl]) => {
  renderer.setScene(gltf.scene, gltf).then(() => {
    renderer.render(camera, -1, (frame) => {
      console.log("Finished frame number:", frame);

For more details, please check the demo viewer and the renderer interface implementations.


  • Source code license info in LICENSE