
Automated cross-browser testing made easy.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dssrvTestee from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dssrv-testee';



Run your QUnit, Mocha or Jasmine tests from the command line with any browser.

  • Runs on all browsers (supporting SocketIO)
  • Many output formats
  • CI integration
  • BrowserStack support
  • Code coverage
  • GruntJS Task
  • Remote URL testing

For questions or discussion checkout our forums.

Getting started

You need NodeJS installed in order to use Testee which makes the installation as easy as:

npm install -g testee

cd into the main folder of your JavaScript project and run testee with your QUnit, Mocha or Jasmine test HTML page:

testee tests/qunit.html

Command line testing

The default browser is PhantomJS, just make sure you have it installed anywhere on your system.

To run with different local browsers (e.g. Firefox and Safari) use:

testee tests/qunit.html --browsers firefox,safari

Or run multiple tests in multiple browsers:

testee tests/unit.html tests/components.html --browsers firefox,safari

Note that the browser you are using for testing shouldn't be already running (except for PhantomJS which can be started multiple times).

Command line options

On the command line, you have the following options available:

  • -h, --help: output usage information
  • -V, --version: output the version number
  • -b, --browsers [name]: A comma separated list of browsers you want to run (default: phantom)
  • -R, --root [path|URL]: The server root path or URL the files are relative to
  • -p, --port [port]: The port to run the server on (default: 3996)
  • -r, --reporter [name]: The name of the reporter to use (default: Dot)
  • -c, --config [file]: Use this JSON configuration file (can be overwritten by command line options)
  • --timeout [seconds]: The per test timeout (in seconds)
  • --delay [ms]: When running multiple tests, the time to wait for the browser to shut down before starting it with a new page.
  • -s, --server: Only run the server
  • --coverage: Enable code coverage


Run test.html in the /var/www/app/ folder using Safari:

testee test.html --root /var/www/app/ --browsers safari

Run the online Underscore QUnit tests in Phantom and Firefox and output code coverage statistics:

testee test/index.html --root http://underscorejs.org --browsers phantom,firefox --coverage

Run tests/qunit.html with PhantomJS from the current folder, use port 8080 instead of 3996 and use the Spec reporter which prints more detailed test results:

testee tests/qunit.html --port 8080 --reporter Spec

Run tests/mocha.html using testee.json as the configuration file (see the configuration API for how this file should look like):

testee tests/mocha.html -c testee.json

Run tests/jasmine.html using Google Chrome Canary:

testee tests/jasmine.html --browsers canary

CI integration

Because Testee allows to use different reporters for the test result output it is easy to obtain XUnit style XML files that integrate with CI servers like Jenkins. Just use the XUnit reporter and write the output into a file. The following example runs tests/qunit.html in Firefox and writes the result XML into testresults.xml:

testee test/index.html --browsers firefox --reporter XUnit > testresults.xml

You can get more information about the available reporters in the Reporters section.


Testee uses the Node debug module. Detailed debugging information can be enabled in any environment (command line, Grunt, programatically) by setting the DEBUG environment variable to testee:*:

DEBUG=testee:* testee --browsers canary tests/jasmine.html

Configuration API

The following sections describe the available options for

  • the JSON configuration file if you run Testee from the command line using the -c or --config option
  • the GruntJS task task configuration
  • programmatic usage with NodeJS

Default configuration

Any options will be merged with the following default configuration:

  port: 3996,
  root: process.cwd(),
  reporter: 'Dot',
  timeout: 120,
  delay: 1000,
  tunnel: {
    type: 'local'
  launch: {
    type: 'local'

General settings

root {String}
Every time when running a test, Testee will start a static file server, by default in the current folder. That way, any test HTML file you reference will be loaded properly. The root option allows you to change the root path of the static fileserver.

port {Integer}
The port for the static file server to start on. This will also be used by Localhost tunneling services. The default is 3996.

timeout {Integer}
The time (in seconds) to wait for a test page to report back and after which an error will be thrown. The default is 2 minutes. This timeout might, for example, occurr when the given file doesn't exist the browser didn't start or the localhost tunnel isn't running.

delay {Integer}
Multiple test files will be run in sequence on the same browser. This option sets the delay (in ms) between launching the browser again with the same file.


The reporter option allows you to use all of the console reporters included in the Mocha testing library.

Launching browsers

The launch and browsers options are used to set the environment and the browsers you want to start. Launchpad is the browser launcher library used by Testee which allows you to start most locally installed browsers as well as Browserstack workers and even browsers on remote systems running the Launchpad Server.

The most common case will be launching a local browser (which is also the default) with no settings:

  "browsers" : [ "firefox", "safari" ]


Browserstack hosts virtual machines running specific versions of web browsers. It is an extremely useful tool for cross-browser testing running a remote desktop in you browser. To use BrowserStack via the configuration API you need to provide a username and password:

  "launch": {
    "type": "browserstack",
    "username": "your browserstack username",
    "password": "your browserstack password",
    "version": "browserstack API version (recommended: 2)"

To start a worker, you must provide a valid browser object to the browser option:

  browsers: [{
    os: "win",
    browser: "ie",
    version: 8.0
  }, {
    os: "win",
    browser: "ie",
    version: 11.0

An example configuration that runs your tests on an iPad Mini and Samsung Galaxy S3 emulator using BrowserStack in a CI environment (outputting XUnit logs) could look like this:

    "reporter" : "XUnit",
    "tunnel": {
      "type": "browserstack",
      "key": "your browserstack key"
    "launch": {
      "type": "browserstack",
      "username": "your browserstack username",
      "password": "your browserstack password",
      "version": 2
    "browsers": [{
      "os": "ios",
      "device": "iPad Mini",
      "version": 6.0
    }, {
      "os": "android",
      "device": "Samsung Galaxy S III",
      "version": "4.1"

Code Coverage

The coverage options is used to instrument and report code coverage using Istanbul. There are several options available for configuring how code coverage is reported:

reporters {Array}
The type of reporter(s) to use. Multiple formats are available, including text and html.

dir {String}
The directory where the coverage data should be written. text reports will be written to the console.

ignore {Array}
List of regex patterns to match files that should be ignored by coverage instrumentation and reporting.

Localhost tunneling

A localhost tunneling service makes your local system available to the outside world. This is great if you want to run tests on another system which can't easily reach your local machine. Testee relies on localhost tunneling services especially for giving Browserstack workers an endpoint to communicate with.

Testee uses the Miner package to provide localhost tunneling which makes it possible to use any of the services Miner currently supports (LocalTunnel, Pagekite and Browserstack). Localtunnel doesn't need any configuration at all and will install itself if you have Ruby available.

If you would like to use Pagekite you need to set it up with your username and then pass it to the launch option like this:

"launch" : {
  "type" : "pagekite",
  "username" : "pagekit user"

It is also possible to use the Browserstack tunnel API which you have to provide with your command line tunnel API key:

"launch" : {
  "type" : "browserstack",
  "key" : "your command line tunnel API key"

For all available tunneling services and options follow up in the Miner documentation.

Grunt task

Testee comes with a Grunt task that takes the same options as described above (src should be set to your source test files). The following is an example that runs test/index.html with public/ as the root folder and Spec as the reporter in either

  • PhantomJS
  • PhantomJS with code coverage ignoring the bower_components and test/ folder
  • On Browserstack on iPad Mini and Samsung Galaxy S3 with BROWSERSTACK_USER and BROWSERSTACK_PASSWORD taken from environment variables
module.exports = function(grunt) {
    testee: {
      options: {
        root: 'public',
        reporter: 'Spec'
      coverage: {
        options: {
          browsers: ['phantom'],
          coverage: {
            dir: 'test/coverage/',
            reporters: ['text', 'html'],
            ignore: ['bower_components/', 'test/']
        src: ['test/index.html']
      browserstack: {
        options: {
          timeout: 600,
          tunnel: {
            type: 'browserstack',
            key: process.env.BROWSERSTACK_PASSWORD
          launch: {
            type: 'browserstack',
            username: process.env.BROWSERSTACK_USER,
            password: process.env.BROWSERSTACK_PASSWORD,
            version: 2
          browsers: [{
            "os": "ios",
            "device": "iPad Mini",
            "version": 6.0
          }, {
            "os": "android",
            "device": "Samsung Galaxy S III",
            "version": "4.1"
        src: ['test/index.html']


Programmatic Use

You can also use Testee programmatically from gulp or another Node script.

gulp.task('test', function() {
    return testee.test(['test/test.html'], 'phantom', {
        reporter: 'Spec'

Client side configuration

In most cases there is no need to change your actual test code.

One exception is when you load your testing library using an asynchronous client side loader like Steal or RequireJS because Testee won't know which library adapters to attach. In this case, you need to call Testee.init() manually once the test library is loaded:

<script type="text/javascript">
  define(['qunit'], function() {
    // Needs to check because it will only be available
    // when running the test with Testee
    if(window.Testee) {


In some testing environments, reporting test progress via REST may work better than socket.io. In this case, you specify a provider.type or 'rest':

<script type="text/javascript">
  window.Testee = {
    provider: {
      type: 'rest'