
DTE Shared Components Private Repo

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dteSharedPrivate from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dte-shared-private';


Current functional version -- 4.0.0

Framework : React/Next -- Yarn

NPM registry link :


Package include about 80 React components which are mainly drived from IBM Carbon desined components. https://www.carbondesignsystem.com/components/overview.

Important Note:

In this package we are using styled-components with a fixed version of 4.3.2. yarn add styled-components@4.3.2

Getting started

To install dte-shared-components in your project, you will need to run the following command using npm:

npm install dte-shared-components

If you prefer Yarn, use the following command instead:

yarn add dte-shared-components


import { Button } from 'dte-shared-components';

function MyComponent() {
  return <Button>Example usage</Button>;

For more information about each component, check out our Storybook. For guides on getting started.

📚 Examples

If you're looking for more examples on how to use carbon-components-react, we have some examples that you can check out:

🙌 Contributing

We're always looking for contributors to help us fix bugs, build new features, or help us improve the project documentation. If you're interested, definitely check out your link for our repository -- inprogress 👀

📝 License

Licensed under the M.I.T(/LICENSE).