
A npm package used with discord.js to help make creating a discord bot easier for beginners

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dualoxJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dualox-js';



dualox-js is a npm package made for the discord.js npm package. It was made to make creating custom discord bots easier on the mind for beginner discord developers.


npm install dualox-js --save

How To Use

  • Require The Module
const dualox = require("dualox-js");
  • Using Different Functions
dualox.randomNumber(minimum number, maximum number); <-- returns a random number between the minimum number and the maximum number.

dualox.randomId(id length INT, id pattern STRING); <-- returns a random id with the length and pattern, pattern examples: "Aa1" "a1" "1" "Aa%" "a%1" etc.

dualox.currentDate(); <-- returns the complete day, hour, minute, month, year.

dualox.newLink(link text, url); <-- creates a hyperlink.

dualox.isEven(value); <-- checks if the value is even, if so will return true, else it will return false.