
Fast, minimal, extensible, and modern IRC bot for Node.js.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dunnbot from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dunnbot';



Fast, minimal, extensible, and modern IRC bot for Node.js.


yarn add dunnbot sqlite3

Or if you don't have yarn

npm install --save dunnbot sqlite3


↳ Getting Started

After you have installed dunnbot create an index.js file and put the following inside of it.

import Dunnbot from 'dunnbot'

const config = {
  bot: {
    nick: 'YourBot',
    channels: ['##yourchannel']

const bot = new Dunnbot('irc.freenode.net:6667', config)


Then all you have to do is run node index.js and Dunnbot will connect to freenode as YourBot and join ##yourchannel.

↳ Database

By default Dunnbot is setup to run the db as a sqlite database in memory, so you do not have to worry about setting that stuff up. But since it is in memory, if you kill or restart the bot, the data is lost. So make sure to check out the Knex documentation on how to configure the db object.

To change your database configuration just modify the db key on config with your Knex config object.

For example:

const config = {
  db: {
    client: 'pg',
    connection: {

↳ Web Server

Dunnbot also has a ExpressJS app built into him which by default listens on and port 9000.

You can use this ExpressJS app to either expose a url for people to access for your plugins, or allow your plugins to accept a webhook to do things in IRC.

You can change web server's configuration using the server key, similar to the db key on your config object.

config = {
  server: {
    port: 8000,
    address: 'localhost'

More on how to use the web server in the Developing Plugins section.

Developing Plugins

↳ Getting Started

Developing plugins for Dunnbot are pretty easy and straight foward. All you need to do is create a package that exports a class that extends Plugin class from @dunnbot/support.

import { Plugin } from '@dunnbot/support'

export default class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
  static description = 'This is my plugin.'
  static author = 'Your Name <you@example.com>'
  static help = 'This is where you tell or give examples of how to use the plugin.'

  handler () {
    /* All your logic will go here */

↳ Events

All of Dunnbot's IRC is handled through events.