
convert durations strings to an integer of milliseconds

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dur from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dur';


JavaScript uses milliseconds as a representation of time, which hard to read. dur.js converts human readable strings to an integer of milliseconds while it's synchronous, very tolerant on input and easy to use.


npm install dur


var dur = require("dur");

/* 5 minutes */
console.log(dur("5m")); // = 300000

/* use as much or less units as you like */
console.log(dur("1d3h4m8s")); // = 97448000

/* time units are case insensitive and can be written rather verbose or abbrevated */
console.log(dur("1 Hr and 3 Secs")); // = 3603000

/* you can use floats */
console.log(dur("1 hour 3.4 minutes")); // 3804000

/* but everything will be rounded to milliseconds */
console.log(dur("4.12342323232 seconds")); // 4123

/* if you repeat yourself, it's added up */
console.log(dur("1 d 2d")); // 259200000

/* provide a default value if dealing with user input */
console.log(dur(undefined, 1234)); // 1234

/* else you will get null */
console.log(dur(undefined)); // null

Time Units

  • Week: weeks, week, w
  • Days: days, day, d
  • Hours: hours, hour, hrs, hr, h
  • Minutes: minutes, minute, mins, min, m
  • Seconds: seconds, second, secs, sec, s


Public Domain.