
provide helper

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dustmotesProvide from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dustmotes-provide';


provide helper

Provide rich dust parameter definitions.


{@provide [optional parameters]}blocks{/provide}

    {@provide [optional params]}
      main block of dust
        evaluation of this block defines a param named "block1"
        evaluation of this block defines a param named "block2"
      ... as many blocks as you need params


Find the size of an array and pass the value to a partial
  {>partial size=len /}
  {@size key=array /}

Create an ad hoc structure to pass to a partial that expects a particular structure
  {>displayAddress data=struct}
  {"street":"{homeStreet}", "city":"{homeCity}", "state": "{homeState}" }


Depends on dustjs-helpers module to be loaded first since it adds it's definition to the the dust.helpers property.

In node.js:


In browser:

If not using require, load the JS some other way and call it with the dust object. As noted earlier, dustjs-helpers must be loaded earlier.