
Backup and Restore DynamoDB Tables

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dynamodbClerk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dynamodb-clerk';


DynamoDB Clerk

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Backup and Restore DynamoDB Tables

CLI arguments

--access-key-id                   # AWS Access Key Id
--action                          # What action to perform. One of "backup-from-remote", "backup-from-local", "restore-to-remote", "restore-to-local"
--archive                         # Archive Name (local.tgz)
--archive-tables-search-pattern   # Use "(.+)" RegExp for everything
--db-tables-replace-pattern       # Use '\$1' RegExp for everything
--force                           # Force backup even if a local backup exists
--port                            # Local DynamoDB instance port
--profile                         # Profile name from AWS local credentials
--region                          # AWS region
--secret-access-key               # AWS Secret Access Key
--tables                          # Use "*" to skip the list and archive all tables


npx dynamodb-clerk --action "restore-to-local" --port 8889 --access-key-id localAwsAccessKeyId --secret-access-key localAwsSecretAccessKey --archive backup.tgz --archive-tables-search-pattern "(.+)" --db-tables-replace-pattern '\$1'
npx dynamodb-clerk --action "backup-from-remote" --profile profile-name --tables "*" --force
npx dynamodb-clerk --action "restore-to-remote" --profile profile-name --archive backup.tgz --archive-tables-search-pattern "(.+)" --db-tables-replace-pattern '\$1'