
EaseMqtt was developed out of the need of a sane approach to developing services that communicate using MQTT.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import easemqtt from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/easemqtt';



CI - Node.js (v12)

  • Current version: v0.2.1-build.*

EaseMqtt provides a simple event-layer to simplify the development of Node.js services requiring MQTT communication. The package provides request/response pattern above publish/subscribe pattern provided by MQTT.


This package requires Node.js version 10+.


MQTT provides a lightweight messaging protocol that uses a broker to send and recieve messages from other machines. You can view the full information here.


I've tried to keep dependencies as low as possible, although it's worth noting these dependencies come with their own set of dependencies:

  • EventEmitter2 - an extension to the EventEmitter with wildcard and delimiter support.
  • mqtt - used for the underlying mqtt mechanisms.


This package is installed via npm using:

npm install --save easemqtt


You can run all the tests using:

npm test


The main difference in implementation is mqtt uses a slash / delimiter, by default EaseMqtt uses a dot . delimiter, of course this can be overriden by providing a delimiter property to the EaseMqtt constructor. It's also possible to use wildcards in the topic name, by default this is disabled but can be enabled with the wildcard property.

import { connect, EaseMqtt } from 'easemqtt';

const client = connect('mqtt://localhost');
const easemqtt = new EaseMqtt(client);

// subscribe
easemqtt.subscribe('some.topic', 2); // topic, optional qos (default 1)

// publish
easemqtt.publish('some.topic', 'hello world'); // topic(s), content (string/object)

easemqtt.on('some.topic', (req, res) => {
  const body = req.body;
  const replyTo = req.replyTo;

  if (replyTo) return res.reply('all done'); // string or object


The usage example above is very simple and somewhat pointless, read the full documentation.