
A web mvvm framework.一个Web mvvm库。

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import easiest from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/easiest';



A minimal web mvvm framework.一个小Web mvvm库。 Now we support for typescript!


  • npm run start
  • npm run start-js
  • open http://localhost:1234

Basic Usage

  1. Create a root DOM for route which id is root:
<div id="root"></div>
  1. Create a Easiest:

  2. use $bootstrapModule to bootstrap a root module EsModule

const easiest = new Easiest();
easiest.$use(router); // if u are using a router
  1. Create a router:
  • routes must an Array includes Object

    1. routes must incloude rootPath '/'
    2. routes must set an component name like component: 'R1'R1 is declared in EsModule in $declarations => this.$components
    3. routes can assign redirectTo and use redirectTo: Path
    4. routes can assign children and use children: Array
    5. routes can set a path like path: '/:id'
  • if u are using Router, u must need to router.$setRootPath('/RootPath') to set an root path.

  • router.$routeChange = (old, next) can listen route change

  • router.$init(routes); can init Array routes

  • if u want to watch routes changes, plz use router.$routeChange=(old.new) => {}

    1. use this.$setLocation((path: String, query: Object, params: Object) to go to Path or location.href
    2. use this.$getLocation() to get location states
    3. Router : http://localhost:1234/R1
type TRouter = {
  path: string;
  redirectTo?: string;
  component?: string;
  children?: TRouter[];
const router = new Router();
const routes: TRouter = [
  path: '/',
  // redirectTo: '/R1',
  component: 'container-wrap',
  children: [
      path: '/R1',
      component: 'R1',
      // redirectTo: '/R2',
      children: [
          path: '/C1',
          component: 'R2',
          children: [
              path: '/D1',
              redirectTo: '/R2',
          path: '/C2',
          redirectTo: '/R2',
      path: '/R2',
      component: 'R2',
      children: [
          path: '/:id',
          component: 'R1',
          children: [
              path: '/D1',
              redirectTo: '/R1/C1',
router.$setRootPath('/demo'); // so routes:Array => `/` is `/demo`
router.$routeChange = function (old, next) {
  console.log('esRouteChange', old, next);
const easiest = new Easiest();
const routerIndex = easiest.$use(router);
  1. Create a Component:
  • create a class

  • use decorator Component in typescript or use function Component in javascript

  • Component accepts an object template: string;state?: any;

  • please use $setState or $setProps after lifecycle constructor()

    1. typescript
    • to use decorator Component declare template and state
    • to implements interface HasRender, OnInit, WatchState, BeforeMount, AfterMount, RouteChange to use lifecycle
    • to use decorator Injectable to inject Service in constructor's arguments of Component
      state: {
        a: 1,
        testArray: [
            name: '李龙吉',
            sex: '男',
            job: [
                id: 1,
                name: '程序员',
                id: 2,
                name: '码农',
                id: 3,
                name: '帅',
            name: '邱宝环',
            sex: '女',
            job: [
                id: 1,
                name: '老师',
                id: 2,
                name: '英语老师',
                id: 3,
                name: '美',
        testArray2: ['程序员3', '码农3', '帅3'],
      template: (`
          <p es-on:click="this.go()">container: {{this.state.a}}</p>
          <input es-model="this.state.a" />
          <div es-repeat="let man in this.state.testArray">
            <div es-on:click="this.show(this.state.testArray2)">姓名:{{man.name}}</div>
            <input es-on:click="this.show(b, $index)" es-repeat="let b in this.state.testArray2" es-model="b" es-class="b" />
            <div class="fuck" es-repeat="let b in man.job">
              <input es-on:click="this.show(b.name)" es-model="b.name" es-class="b.id" />
    class Container implements OnInit, AfterMount {
      public ss: HeroSearchService;
      public state: any;
      public $setLocation: (path: string, query?: any, params?: any) => void;
        private hss: HeroSearchService,
      ) {
        this.ss = hss;
      public esOnInit() {
        console.log('esOnInit Container');
      public esAfterMount() {
        console.log('esAfterMount Container');
      public go() {
        this.$setLocation('/R1', { b: '1' });
      public show(a: any, index?: string) {
        console.log('aaaa', a);
        console.log('$index', index);
    1. javascript
    • to use function Component declare template and state
    • to use lifecycle esOnInit esBeforeMount esAfterMount esOnDestory esHasRender esWatchState esRouteChange in Class
    • to use constructor's arguments of Component for inject Service, and arguments must be lowercase lette of initials lette of Service class name. For example, you want to inject a service class HeroService, you must write argument in constructor with heroService
    class Container {
      ) {
        this.ss = heroSearchService;
      esOnInit() {
        console.log('esOnInit Container');
      go() {
        this.$setLocation('/R1', { b: '1' });
      show(a, index) {
        console.log('aaaa', a);
        console.log('$index', index);
      template: (`
          <p es-on:click="this.go()">container: {{this.state.a}}</p>
          <input es-model="this.state.a" />
          <div es-repeat="let man in this.state.testArray">
            <div es-on:click="this.show(this.state.testArray2)">姓名:{{man.name}}</div>
            <input es-on:click="this.show(b, $index)" es-repeat="let b in this.state.testArray2" es-model="b" es-class="b" />
            <div class="fuck" es-repeat="let b in man.job">
              <input es-on:click="this.show(b.name)" es-model="b.name" es-class="b.id" />
      state: {
        a: 1,
        testArray: [
            name: '李龙吉',
            sex: '男',
            job: [
                id: 1,
                name: '程序员',
                id: 2,
                name: '码农',
                id: 3,
                name: '帅',
            name: '邱宝环',
            sex: '女',
            job: [
                id: 1,
                name: '老师',
                id: 2,
                name: '英语老师',
                id: 3,
                name: '美',
        testArray2: ['程序员3', '码农3', '帅3'],
  • props: Object is data which class Controller sends to class Component

  • ** props: Object can only be changed or used after lifecycle constructor() **

  • props: Object can only be changed by action this.$setProps() and this.$setProps() is equal to $setState

  1. EsModule
  • Easiest apps are modular and Easiest has its own modularity system called EsModule. An EsModule is a container for a cohesive block of code dedicated to an application domain, a workflow, or a closely related set of capabilities. It can contain components, service providers, and other code files whose scope is defined by the containing EsModule. It can import functionality that is exported from other EsModule, and export selected functionality for use by other EsModule.

  • u need to declare imports?: Function[] components: {[name: string]: Function;} providers?: Function[] exports?: string[] bootstrap?: Function in options

  • imports imports other EsModule and respect it's exports

  • components declare Components. Key: name, Value: Components

  • providers declare Service

  • exports: exports Components for other EsModules

  • bootstrap declare Component for Module bootstrap only if u don't Router

    1. typescript
      imports: [
      components: {
        'container-wrap': Container,
        'pc-component': PComponent,
        'R1': R1,
      providers: [
    class M1 {}
    1. javascript
    class M1 {}
      imports: [
      components: {
        'container-wrap': Container,
        'pc-component': PComponent,
        'R1': R1,
      providers: [
  1. Template Syntax
  • 规定:指令以 es-xxx 命名
  • now: es-text es-html es-model es-class es-repeat es-if es-on:Event
  • 事件指令, 如 es-on:click
    • Text1: this.$template = '<p es-text="this.state.b"></p>';
    • Text2: this.$template = '<p>this.state.b是:{{this.state.b}}</p>';
    • HTML: this.$template = '<p es-html="this.state.c"></p>';
    • Model for input: this.$template = '<input es-model="this.state.c"/>'; if input is a repeat DOM, and intem of Array is'nt an object, please use $index
    • Class: this.$template = '<p class="b" es-class="this.state.a"></p>';
    • Directives: ues es-on:event
      • this.$template = '<p es-on:click="this.componentClick()"></p>';
    • Repeat: this.$template = '<p class="b" es-class="this.state.a" es-repeat="let a in this.state.b" es-if="a.f">{{a.z}}</p>';
  • about function in Template Syntax
    • now you can send arguments in Function
    • arguments include:
      1. Event: $event
      2. String: 'xxx'
      3. Number: 123
      4. Index: $index, you can only use this in repeat DOM : <input es-on:click="this.show(b, $index)" es-repeat="let b in this.state.testArray2" es-model="b" es-class="b" />
      5. Variable: this.state.xxx this.props.xxx
      6. Boolean: true false
      7. For es-repeat: items like: es-repeat="let a in this.state.b" es-if="a.f"
  1. Data monitor: this.state && this.$setState
  • use this.state: Object and this.$setState(parmars: Function || Object)
  • if u have some variable, u can set this.state in constructor(){}
  • if u want to change State, plz use this.$setState, parmars can be Object or Function which must return an Object
  • and u can recive this change in life cycle esWatchState(oldData, newData)
  1. Watcher and KeyWatcher
  • import {Watcher, KeyWatcher}

    1. Watcher
    • Watcher expects two arguments: data, watcher
    • data is an Object
    • watcher is a function which has two arguments: oldData, newData
      new Watcher(this.object, (oldData, newData) => {})
    1. KeyWatcher
    • Watcher expects there arguments: data, key, watcher
    • data: Object
    • key is a key in Object and type is String
    • watcher is a function which has two arguments: oldData, newData
      new KeyWatcher(this.object, key,(oldData, newData) => {})
  1. Service
  • Components shouldn't fetch or save data directly and they certainly shouldn't knowingly present fake data. They should focus on presenting data and delegate data access to a service.

  • And u can use Service to send communication between Component , because we have realized singleton.

  • Service accepts an objectisSingletonMode: boolean to decide use singleton or not.

    1. typescript
    • to use decorator Injectable to inject Service in constructor's arguments of Service
    @Service({isSingletonMode: false})
    class HeroSearchService {
      public hsr: HeroSearchService1;
        private hsrS: HeroSearchService1,
      ) {
        this.hsr = hsrS;
      public test() {
        console.log('HeroSearchService !!!000000000');
    1. javascript
    • to use constructor's arguments of Service for inject an other Service, and arguments must be lowercase lette of initials lette of Service class name. For example, you want to inject a service class HeroSearchService, you must write argument in constructor with heroSearchService
    class HeroSearchService {
      constructor(heroSearchService1) {
        this.hsr = heroSearchService1;
      test() {
        console.log('HeroSearchService !!!000000000');
      isSingletonMode: false,
    1. http
    import { esHttp } from 'Easiest';
    const http = esHttp;
    http.get(url, params);
    http.delete(url, params);
    http.post(url, params);
    http.put(url, params);
    http.patch(url, params);
  1. Dependency Injection

    Dependency injection is an important application design pattern. It's used so widely that almost everyone just calls it DI

    1. Use Typescript
    • If u are using Typescript to build an app, u can easily use our Dependency Injection.Only use @Injectable before the Class which need to use other services, that which are declarated in this.$providers of EsModule or root module.
    • Use this. names of constructor arguments to directly use Service.
    import { Injectable, Component, EsModule, Service, HasRender } from 'easiest';
      isSingletonMode: true,
    class HeroSearchService1 {
      constructor() {}
      public test() {
        console.log('HeroSearchService !!!1111');
    class HeroSearchService {
      public hsr: HeroSearchService1;
        private hsrS: HeroSearchService1,
      ) {
      public test() {
        console.log('HeroSearchService !!!000000000');
      state: {
        a: 'a',
      template: (`
          <p es-on:click="this.go()">container: {{this.state.a}}</p>
          <input es-model="this.state.a" />
          <div es-repeat="let man in this.state.testArray">
            <div es-on:click="this.show(this.state.testArray2)">姓名:{{man.name}}</div>
            <input es-on:click="this.show(b, $index)" es-repeat="let b in this.state.testArray2" es-model="b" es-class="b" />
            <div class="fuck" es-repeat="let b in man.job">
              <input es-on:click="this.show(b.name)" es-model="b.name" es-class="b.id" />
    class PCChild implements HasRender {
      public props: any;
      public hsr: HeroSearchService;
        private hsrS: HeroSearchService,
      ) {
      public esHasRender() {}
      imports: [
      components: {
        'container-wrap': PCChild,
      providers: [
    class M1 {}
    1. Use Javascript
    • to use constructor's arguments of Service for inject an other Service, and arguments must be lowercase lette of initials lette of Service class name. For example, you want to inject a service class HeroSearchService, you must write argument in constructor with heroSearchService
    • A little diffrence between javascript and typescript, use constructor arguments to directly use Service, and assign them to a variable.
    class HeroSearchService1 {
      constructor() {
      test() {
        console.log('HeroSearchService !!!1111');
      isSingletonMode: true,
    class HeroSearchService {
      ) {
        this.hsr = heroSearchService1;
      test() {
        console.log('HeroSearchService !!!000000000');
    isSingletonMode: false,
    class Container {
      constructor(heroSearchService) {
        this.ss = heroSearchService;
      state: {
        a: 'a',
      template: (`
    class M1 {}
      imports: [
      components: {
        'container-wrap': Container,
      providers: [
  2. LifeCycle hooks which from the beginning to the end:

  • EsModule

  • Components

      esOnInit(): void;
      esBeforeMount(): void;
      esAfterMount(): void;
      esOnDestory(): void;
      esHasRender(): void;
      esWatchState(oldData?: any, newData?: any): void;
      esRouteChange(lastRoute?: string, newRoute?: string): void;
  • Router

    $routeChange((lastRoute?: string, newRoute?: string): void;


route => EsModule => component

To do

  • 类分离,通过use来绑定方法
  • 无需route渲染
  • 子路由(2/2)
  • 组件化(3/3)
  • 模块化 + EsModule
  • 双向绑定
  • 公共类提取
  • 数据劫持
  • 双向绑定模板
  • Template Syntax: es-text es-html es-model es-class es-repeat es-if(6/6)
  • 组件props
  • 组件渲染
  • 组件中使用组件
  • 改用 history的pushState
  • 监听路由变化动态渲染(2/2)
  • Virtual DOM
  • Service
  • Route bug
  • ts (强类型赛高)
  • DI