
Lite&easy database for Node.js.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import easyDbServer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/easy-db-server';


REST API server based on Easy DB

Easy DB logo

Lite&easy database REST server based on easy-db-node without any necessary configuration.

Include types for TypeScript.


  • The same interface in Node, Web, Mobile, Server or your own environment.
  • Handling saving and removing files directly in easy-db.
  • Easy reading and updating database without any special tool.
  • MongoDB like queries for GET collection.


Install and start server in current folder

$ npx easy-db-server

Help and configurations

Usage: easy-db-server --port <port> -html ./index.html

      --help           Show help                                       [boolean]
      --version        Show version number                             [boolean]
  -p, --port           PORT                                             [number]
  -h, --html           Index HTML file                                  [string]
  -t, --easy-db-token  Security token                                   [string]
  -v, --verbose        0 - no, 1 - yes                     [number] [default: 1]
  -c, --cors           Use CORS                        [boolean] [default: true]
  -s, --size           Request size limit             [string] [default: "15MB"]


app variable is the express instance.

import { express, useCors, useToken, useEasyDB } from "easy-db-server";
// or
const { express, useEasyDB } = require("easy-db-server");

const PORT = 80;

const app = express();

useEasyDB(app, {
  verbose: 1,
  requestSizeLimit: "15MB",
  cors: true,
  token: "takenHash",

app.listen(PORT, () =>
  console.log(`Easy DB server is running at http://localhost:${PORT}.`)


  • GET /api/:collection: return whole collection optionally with query, projection, sort, skip and limit
  • GET /api/:collection/:id: return one row from collection by id
  • POST /api/:collection: create row with random id string and return id
  • PUT /api/:collection/:id: replace row from collection by id
  • PATCH /api/:collection/:id: update row (shallow merge) from collection by id
  • DELETE /api/:collection/:id: remove whole row from collection by id


Use header Easy-DB-Token for your token.

Upload files by REST API

Just sent to POST or PUT anywhere in the body { "type": "EASY_DB_FILE", "url": "...YI=" }. With GET you will receive { "type": "EASY_DB_FILE", "url": "/easy-db-files/j9pSCplbMx7U.png" }

Query, sort, skip and limit

Easy-db-server use mingo library that allow you to use MongoDB like query, projection, sort, skip and limit. For documentation on using query and projection operators see MongoDB.

GET http://localhost:80/api/user?query={"age":{"$gt":18}}&projection={"name":1,"age":1}&sort={"name":1,"age":-1}&skip=20&limit=10


  • easy-db/
    • collection1.json
    • collection1-wrong-20180912.json
  • easy-db-files/
    • j9pSCplbMx7U.png

Update DB without code

Only open file and edit them.


  "LnldbDWRXe8r": { "myRow": 1, "update": 1 },
  "UXnuhpl5RvVp": { "myRow": 2, "update": 36 }