
Package to create an easy discord bot

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import easyDjsCommandhandler from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/easy-djs-commandhandler';


Module to make an fast setup Discord Bot, simply do:

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const commandHandler = require('easy-djs-commandhandler');

const client = new Discord.Client();
const handle = new commandHandler.Handler(client, {owner: ['193406800614129664']});

client.on('message', message => {
    handle.handle(client, message);
client.on('messageUpdate', (oldmessage, message) => {
    handle.handle(client, message);


Then you can make your own Commands in the commands ( customizeable ) folder, by doing:

const { Client, Message } = require('discord.js');
 * @param {Client} client - Discord.js Client.
 * @param {Message} message - Discord.js Message.
 * @param {Array} args - Array with parsed args.
module.exports.run = async (client, message, args) => {
    message.channel.send('Hello World!');

module.exports.help = {
    name: 'cmdname',
    description: '',
    hideinhelp: false,
    requires: ['botowner', 'guild', 'dm'],
    usage: '<prefix>cmdname',   // <prefix> gets replaced with the prefix
    aliases: ['cmdalias'],
    requiresBotPermissions: ['EMBED_LINKS'], // Array containing Permissions that need to be checked, SEND_MESSAGES, is included automatically
    // cooldownGroup: 'example' || use this to cooldown all the commands in that group
};  // to get a category just make a sub-folder

or by using the Command Class:

const { Command } = require('easy-djs-commandhandler');
module.exports = new Command({ 
    name: 'cmdname',
    description: '',
    hideinhelp: false,
    requires: ['botowner', 'guild', 'dm'],
    usage: '<prefix>cmdname',   // <prefix> gets replaced with the prefix
    aliases: ['cmdalias'],
    requiresBotPermissions: ['EMBED_LINKS'], // Array containing Permissions that need to be checked, SEND_MESSAGES, is included automatically
    // cooldownGroup: 'example' || use this to cooldown all the commands in that group
    // to get a category just make a sub-folder
    }).execute((client, message, args) => {
    message.channel.send('Hello Discord!');

Using ArgumentsCollector

const { Command, ArgumentCollector } = require('easy-djs-commandhandler');
module.exports = new Command({ name: 'collect' }).execute(async (client, message, args) => {
    const collector = new ArgumentCollector([{ prompt: 'What did you eat today?', key: 'food_today' }, { prompt: 'What channel is this?', key: 'test_channel', attempts:3, errorMsg: 'Something went wrong!', type: 'channel', time: 5999 }]);
    const collected = await collector.obtain(message);
    console.log(collected);// retruns { values: { food_today: message_object, test_channel: channel_object }, canceled: false };
    console.log(collected.values.food_today.content);	// if no type specified, returns collected message object, example: get content of collected message
    console.log(collected.values.test_channel.name);	// type: 'channel', returns channel object, example: get name of the channel

Using Custom Prefixes

const handle = new commandHandler.Handler(client, {
    owner: ['193406800614129664'],
    prefixFunc : (message, client) => {
        // have something wich gets the specific prefix for that guild/user and return it;
        // eg. return guildsettings.get(message.guild.id).prefix;
        if(message.guild && message.guild.id == '193406800614129664') return 'B';	// The Prefix for this Guild will be B
        else return 'C';															// The Prefix for all other Guilds will be C

Using Custom/Presistant Cooldowns

const Enmap = require("enmap");

// Normal enmap with default options
const cooldownsEnmap = new Enmap({name: "cooldowns"});

const handle = new commandHandler.Handler(client, {owner: ['193406800614129664'], cooldowns: cooldownsEnmap});