
easy on Board is a react native package that helps you to make an on Board Screen without efforts.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import easyOnBoard from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/easy-on-board';


:iphone: Easy On board :fist:

:blue_book: Description

:star: What is new ?

:boom: ShowCase

:zap: Installation

:key: Usage

:page_facing_up: Examples

:ok_hand: Why easy-on-board ?

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easy on Board is a react native package that helps you to make an onBoard Screen without efforts.

What is new ?

  • version 0.0.5 :

    • Adding current component indicator
    • Changing text on the Next button to appear as Finish when reaching the last component
    • Changing some props naming convention
  • version 0.0.6 :

    • Adding navigation between the components through the indicators
  • version 1.1.0 :

    • Removing indicator keys warning
    • Implementing swipe gesture
  • version 2.2.0 :

    • Adding useOnBoard hook :tada:
    • Applying some performance improvements
  • version 2.2.1 :

    • adding finish text prop
  • version 2.2.2 :

    • adding onBoard component title prop
    • adding onBoard component text style prop
  • version 2.2.3 :

    • default styles improvements
  • version 2.3.0 :

    • adding start button text and styling props
    • adding finish button text and styling props
  • version 2.3.1 :

    • Wrapper style improvements
  • version 2.3.2 :

    • supporting RTL in swipe gestures "when LTR 'swipe right' === back and when RTL 'swipe right' === next"
  • version 2.4.0 :

    • adding custom render functions for back,start,next and finish buttons
  • version 2.5.0 :

    • adding EasyOnBoard component titleStyle and imageStyle props
    • some style props improvements



npm install easy-on-board

yarn add easy-on-board


we have two components

  • EasyOnBoard.Screen which is the wrapper of the on-board components and it has 12 props :

    • children which are wrapped components (Required)

    • onFinish the function to be called on last component which could be navigation to another screen (Required)

    • nextButtonText the text to be shown on next button (Optional)

    • nextTextStyle the styling props of the text (Optional)

    • nextButtonStyle the button styling props (Optional)

    • renderNextComponent render function that called to render custom next button component, Note: it overrides nextButtonText (Optional)

    • startButtonText the text to be shown on start button "same as next button but showed as at first component" (Optional)

    • startTextStyle the styling props of the text (Optional)

    • startButtonStyle the button styling props (Optional)

    • renderStartComponent render function that called to render custom start button component, Note: it overrides startButtonText (Optional)

    • finishButtonText the text to be shown on finish button "same as next button but showed as at last component"(Optional)

    • finishTextStyle the styling props of the text (Optional)

    • finishButtonStyle the button styling props (Optional)

    • renderFinishtComponent render function that called to render custom finish button component, Note: it overrides finishButtonText (Optional)

    • backButtonText the text to be shown on back button (Optional)

    • backTextStyle the styling props of the text (Optional)

    • backButtonStyle the button styling props (Optional)

    • renderBackComponent render function that called to render custom back button component, Note: it overrides backButtonText (Optional)

    • indicator boolean value to determine showing indicator or not " default value = false " (Optional)

    • indicatorColor color of the non-current indicators (Optional)

    • selectedIndicatorColor color of the current indicator (Optional)

    • swipeable boolean value to determine allowing swipe gesture to change the current component or not " default value = false " (Optional)

  • EasyOnBoard.Component which is the wrapped component as we will see and it has 3 props:

    • text (Required)

    • title (Required)

    • imageSource (Required) and this takes the source of the image , like "require('./myimage.png')" or "{uri: 'https://reactjs.org/logo-og.png'}"

    • style component styling props (Optional)

    • textStyle text styling props (Optional)

    • titleStyle title styling props (Optional)

    • imageStyle image styling props (Optional)

:fire:or you can just use The Hook:fire:

  • useOnBoard and it takes 4 props and finish the whole work for you :

    • children which is an array of objects where each object has 2 properties {text,imageSource,title} (Required)

    • onFinish the function to be called on last component which could be navigation to another screen (Required)

    • swipeable boolean value to determine allowing swipe gesture to change the current component or not " default value = false " (Optional)

    • indicator boolean value to determine showing indicator or not " default value = false " (Optional)

Package Import :

import EasyOnBoard, { useOnBoard } from "easy-on-board";


  onFinish={() => {
    alert("this is last component");
    text="First Component"
    text="Second Component"
    text="Third Component"

Or use the hook

const children = [
    title: "First",
    text: "First component",
    imageSource: require("./src/assets/first.png"),
    title: "Second",
    text: "Second component",
    imageSource: require("./src/assets/second.png"),
    title: "Third",
    text: "Third component",
    imageSource: require("./src/assets/third.png"),

const onFinish = () => {
  alert("tada enjoy the hook");

const onBoardScreen = useOnBoard({
  onFinish: onFinish,
  swipeable: true,
  indicator: true,
  children: children,

Why easy-on-board ?

  • :heavy_check_mark: Highly customizable :muscle:

  • :heavy_check_mark: Fixed wrapped component "EasyOnBoard.Component" :muscle:

  • :heavy_check_mark: Dynamic wrapped component "any component can be used as wrapped component" :muscle:

  • :heavy_check_mark: Dynamic style of the buttons :muscle:

  • :heavy_check_mark: Current component indicator :muscle:

  • :heavy_check_mark: Navigation through the Indicators :muscle:

  • :heavy_check_mark: Adding swipe gesture to change current component :muscle:

  • :heavy_check_mark: You can use the hook feature for the fast creation of OnBoard Screen :tada: