
Edge login UI components, as a React Native library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import edgeLoginUiRn from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/edge-login-ui-rn';


Edge React Native UI

This repo implements a UI layer on top of edge-core-js to provide web applications the interface required to do all the accounts management in just a small handful of Javascript API calls. All UI operates in an overlay iframe on top of the current HTML view.

Basic usage for react native mobile application

Add the Edge libraries to your project:

npm install --save edge-core-js edge-login-ui-rn

Required: Node ^8.2.1 and NPM ^5.3.0

You will also need to install several native libraries that Edge depends on:

# Install native support libraries:
npm install --save react-native-fast-crypto react-native-fs
npm install --save git://github.com/Airbitz/react-native-randombytes.git
npm install --save git://github.com/Airbitz/react-native-tcp.git
npm install --save-dev rn-nodeify

# Set up post install
add to package.json scripts object
"postinstall": "sh ./postinstall.sh"

# create post install file
# in root of project create postinstall.sh
# add the following lines

rn-nodeify --hack

# Link support libraries into the native project files:
react-native link react-native-fast-crypto
react-native link react-native-fs
react-native link react-native-randombytes
react-native link react-native-tcp
react-native link edge-login-ui-rn

# delete node modules and re-install
rm -rf node_modules

iOS build

Disable BITCODE in your app's build settings

Android build

You must be running Android Studio 3.0+. Make the following changes to the Android build files in your React Native app:


  • compileSdkVersion 27 or higher
  • minSdkVersion 23 or higher
  • targetSdkVersion 25 or higher
  • buildToolsVersion "25.0.3" or higher

Add the following:

android {
      compileOptions {
          sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
          targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
      defaultConfig {
          multiDexEnabled true

dependencies {
      compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:27.0.1'


repositories {

dependencies {
      classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.0.1'


classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.0.0'

Using the login component your project

Get an API key from


You'll need an account on the Airbitz Mobile App which you can download for iOS and Android at

iOS App Store

Google Play Store

On the developer.airbitz.co page, scan the QR code using the Airbitz Mobile App after signing in and register an email address.

To use the component in your app you will need to two airbitz core libraries

import { LoginScreen } from ‘edge-login-ui-rn’
import { makeEdgeContext } from ‘edge-core-js’

Outside of the component class, in the file that you want to add the login you will need to set up a function to validate your app with Edge.

function setupCore () {
  return makeEdgeContext({
    // Replace this with your own API key from https://developer.airbitz.co:
    apiKey: ‘<your api key >’,
    appId: 'com.mydomain.myapp',
    vendorName: ‘<Your vendor name >’,
    vendorImageUrl: 'https://airbitz.co/go/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/GenericEdgeLoginIcon.png'

In your component that will utilize the login component add the following code to the constructor method:

this.state = { context: null, account: null }
// Creating the context is async, so we store it in our state:
setupCore().then(context => this.setState(state => ({ ...state, context })))

Set up your render function:

render () {
  const onLogin = account => this.setState(state => ({ ...state, account }))

  // Once the context is ready, we can show the login screen:
  return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
          ? <LoginScreen context={this.state.context} onLogin={onLogin} />
          : <Text style={styles.welcome}>Loading</Text>}

The LoginUiProvider component should wrap your entire application, including your top-level router. The edge-login-ui-rn project uses this to display modals, error alerts, and similar floating UI.

In order to customize the experience and integrate with your app, change the onLogin function to handle getting back the account information.

Use the account object to create and restore wallet private keys

async function getAppPrivateKey (account) {
  // Find the first Ethereum wallet in the account:
  const edgeWalletInfo = account.getFirstWalletInfo('wallet:ethereum')

  // If an Ethereum wallet already exists, return its key:
  if (edgeWalletInfo != null) {
    return edgeWalletInfo.keys.ethereumKey

  // There are no Ethereum wallets, so make one:
  const keys = {
    ethereumKey: new Buffer(secureRandom(32)).toString('hex')
  const walletId = await account.createWallet("wallet:ethereum", keys)
  const edgeWalletInfo = account.walletInfos[walletId]
  return edgeWalletInfo.keys.ethereumKey

Sample ReactNative App repo

See a sample implementation at edge-login-ui-rn-demo