
ef.qt cli tools

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import efQt from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ef.qt';



ef.js equivalent for Qt

Make Qt great again!


Important Note

This project is still in development. This is only a preview version of ef.qt. Use it at your own risk.


ef.qt is a simple mv* framework which greatly simplifies your Qt application development. With UI and program logic seperated completely, ef.qt gives you whole control of your app while still remains full flexibility.

Why do I need it?

Free you from the not very easy-to-use Qt Creator or creating tons of widgets and layouts manually, and mixing logic with UI heavily and has no chance to modify UI without touching the logic. With only the needed information exposed to your logic layer, you don't need to have UI and logic pasta together any more.

Start coding with modern design philosophy from NOW!


Check out https://github.com/TheNeuronProject/efqt-hello-world for a very quick example!




Install node if not installed already. Personally I recommend using n-install. Node v10 or above is required.


# If installed from elsewhere, first remove with
npm r -g ef.qt

# Install brand new or update
npm i -g ef.qt

# Init a new project in current directory
efqt init

# Scan and generate cpp code for ef templates
efqt generate

# Compile one template to one header
efqt compile

# Watch file changes and auto re-compile
efqt watch

# Generate auto completion for shells
efqt completion

For more usage please see efqt --help


# If installed from elsewhere, first remove with
npm r -g ef.qt

# Clone the repository
git clone 'https://github.com/TheNeuronProject/ef.qt'

# Install locally
cd ef.qt
npm i -g .

# To update dependencies after a pull or branch switch, do
npm i

and you are good to go. No need for re-install after modification, it works out of the box.


TBD, refer to created template for now. Also ef.js.org may help understanding the EFML language syntax and basic concept of ef frameworks.
