
This currently only works in 11ty v1.0.0 (canary). It uses addGlobalData which allows for data plugins like this

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eleventyPluginSanityData from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/eleventy-plugin-sanity-data';


11ty Sanity Data Source

This currently only works in 11ty v1.0.0 (canary). It uses addGlobalData which allows for data plugins like this


Install the NPM package

npm install eleventy-plugin-sanity-data

Add the plugin to your .eleventy.js config file. Make sure you're running Eleventy v1.0.0+

module.exports = function(config) {
    config.addPlugin(sanityData, {
        projectId: 'YOUR_SANITY_PROJECT_ID'

This will return all the data from the project specified.


There are configuration options you can use to return different sets of data, different projections, different datasets, and more.

property type description
projectId string Your Sanity.io project ID
cdn boolean Whether or not to use the Sanity CDN for data
dataset string The dataset name for your Sanity data
queries array default returns allData variable with a query of *[] An array of objects providing GROQ queries to return specific queries to specific variables. Optional. Each object requires a varName and query and has an optional cacheDuration to override global cache timing. { varName: 'NameForTemplate', query: '*[_type == 'something']'
globalCacheDuration string default: 1d. This is a time string that corresponds to 11ty asset cache plugin times.