
Deploy the bootstrap index.html of your Ember App to Azure Tables using ember-cli-deploy.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import emberCliDeployAzureTables from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ember-cli-deploy-azure-tables';



Deploy the bootstrap index.html of your Ember App to Azure Tables using ember-cli-deploy.


See ember-cli-deploy-azure for a plugin pack for Azure Tables, Azure Blob & the default build and hashing included.


  • npm install ember-cli-deploy-azure-tables
  • npm install ember-cli-deploy-build (or another ember-cli-deploy build tool)
  • npm install ember-cli-deploy-revision-key (or another ember-cli-deploy hashing tool)


In your config/deploy.js file:

module.exports = function(environment) {
  var ENV = {};

  if (environment === 'production') {
    ENV["azure-tables"] = {
      storageAccount: "my-storage-account",
      storageAccessKey: "my-access-key",
      tableName: "mytable" // defaults to 'emberdeploy'

  return ENV;

You can also connect using your connection string, set it as connectionString: "my-connection-string".


  • ember deploy <environment> to build and upload index.html to Azure Tables
  • ember deploy:activate --revision <key> <environment> to activate an uploaded revision