
Adds segment.io to your Ember app.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import emberSegment from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ember-segment';


Ember Segment

How it works

Addon will add the following code to your router.js:

// only if segment addon is enabled
if (config.segment && config.segment.enabled) {
  // `gatherPageAnalytics` action will be invoked on
  // each transition and it can be handled on route/controller level.
    didTransition(transitions) {
      this.send('gatherPageAnalytics', transitions);
      this._super.apply(this, transitions);

  // to make sure not to break your application
  // default implementation of `gatherPageAnalytics`
  // is provided
    _actions: {
      gatherPageAnalytics() {
        return true;

How to use

One way to track your application's pages would be to create a parent route:

// base-route.js
export default Ember.Route.extend({
  actions: {
    gatherPageAnalytics(transitions) {
      const length = transitions.length;
      const transition = transitions[length - 1];

      this.segmentAnalytics.trackPage(transition.name/*categoryName, properties, options*/);

// child-route.js
import BaseRoute from 'base-route';

export default BaseRoute.extend();

Segment Service

trackAction and trackPage return Promises and do track and page accordingly.


You can configure the addon through config/enironment.js by adding segment object to it.

ENV.segment = {
  // enable/disable analytics
  enabled: true,
  // api key for reporting
  writeKey: ''