
πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ Fast and simple Map and RegExp based HTML entities encoder.🍁

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import encodeEntities from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/encode-entities';


πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ Encode Entities 🍁

πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ Fast and simple Map and RegExp based HTML entities encoder.🍁

Fast and simple Map and RegExp based HTML entities encoder. In order to overcome different methods of possible XSS attacks, it by default encodes the following characters: <, >, ", ', &, =, `, !, @, $, %, (, ), +, {, }, [, ].
You can however remove any of these rules and/or add your own.

Uses the MappedReplacer package.

✨Since version 1.1.0 Encode Entities is a hybrid module that supports both CommonJS (legacy) and ES modules, thanks to Modern Module.

Table of Contents


npm i encode-entities


resetRules(): void

Resets the rules to the default ones.

const Encoder = require('encode-entities')

const encoder = new Encoder()

encoder.addRule('<', 'πŸ˜€')
encoder.addRule('>', 'πŸ˜‚')

console.log(encoder.encode('<strong>')) // outputs '&#60;strong&#62;'

addRule(key: string, value: string): boolean

Adds a new rule or updates the existing rule for entities encoding. Returns true if the rule was added successfully or false if not.

const Encoder = require('encode-entities')

const encoder = new Encoder()

encoder.addRule('β†’', '&#8594;')
console.log(encoder.encode('<a href="#">β†’</a>')) // outputs '&#60;a href&#61;&#34;#&#34;&#62;&#8594;&#60;/a&#62;'

addRules(rules: Object): boolean

Adds rules or updates the existing rules for entity encoding.
Passed object is a simple key-value object, i.e. { '<': '&#60;', '>': '&#62;' }
Returns true if the rules were added successfully or false if not.

const Encoder = require('encode-entities')

const encoder = new Encoder()

  '𝕋': '&#120139;',
  'β‰ˆ': '&#8776;',
  '𝔱': '&#120113;',

console.log(encoder.encode('<span>𝕋 β‰ˆ 𝔱</span>')) // outputs '&#60;span&#62;&#120139; &#8776; &#120113;&#60;/span&#62;'

removeRule(key: string): boolean

Removes the rule that matches the provided key. Returns true if the rule was removed successfully or false if not.

const Encoder = require('encode-entities')

const encoder = new Encoder()

  '𝕋': '&#120139;',
  'β‰ˆ': '&#8776;',
  '𝔱': '&#120113;',

console.log(encoder.rulesCount()) // outputs 20

rulesCount(): number

Gets the number of rules for entity encoding.

const Encoder = require('encode-entities')

const encoder = new Encoder()

  '𝕋': '&#120139;',
  'β‰ˆ': '&#8776;',
  '𝔱': '&#120113;',

console.log(encoder.rulesCount()) // outputs 21


Encodes special characters in the given string to HTML entities.

const Encoder = require('encode-entities')

const encoder = new Encoder()

console.log(encoder.encode('<strong>')) // outputs '&#60;strong&#62;'


npm test