
Add folder and file comparison method's to node fs module

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import enfscompare from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/enfscompare';


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Module that add compare functionality to to node fs module

This module is intended to work as a sub-module of enfs


This module will add a method that allows the comparison of files and folders.

  • This module will add following methods to node fs module:
    • files
    • filesHash
    • filesSync
    • filesHashSync
    • dir
    • dirHash
    • dirSync
    • dirHashSync



    var enfscompare = require("enfscompare");


All the methods follows the node culture.

  • Async: Every async method returns an Error in the first callback parameter
  • Sync: Every sync method throws an Error.

Additional Methods



  • files(path1, path2, [options], callback)
  • filesSync(path1, path2, [options])

Compare files in a byte-to-byte form


  • fs (Object): an alternative fs module to use (default will be enfspatch)
  • dereference (Boolean): if true will dereference symlinks listing the items to where it points (default: false)
  • chunkSize (Number) - the size in bytes used to read files and verify equality default to (async: ReadStream._readableState.highWaterMark, sync: 8192)
    enfscompare.files("/home/name/file.txt", "/home/name/file.txt", function(err, result){
            console.log("File is equal");



  • dir(path1, path2, [options], callback)
  • dirSync(path1, path2, [options])

Compare files in a byte-to-byte form


  • fs (Object): an alternative fs module to use (default will be enfspatch)
  • dereference (Boolean): if true will dereference symlinks listing the items to where it points (default: false)
  • chunkSize (Number) - the size in bytes used to read files and verify equality default to (async: ReadStream._readableState.highWaterMark, sync: 8192)
    enfscompare.dir("/home/name", "/home/another_folder_name", function(err, result){
            console.log("Directories are equal");



  • filesHash(path1, path2, [options], callback)
  • filesHashSync(path1, path2, [options])

Compare files with an hash NOTE: This method can't correctly tell you that the files are equal, but can tell you if they are different


  • fs (Object): an alternative fs module to use (default will be enfspatch)
  • dereference (Boolean): if true will dereference symlinks listing the items to where it points (default: false)
  • hash (String) - the type of hash to use in comparison, default to 'sha512'
  • encoding (String) - the type of hash encoding used to compare the files, default to 'hex'
  • chunkSize (String) - the size in bytes used to read files default 8192 (Only in sync method)
    var result = enfscompare.filesHashSync("/home/name/file.txt","/home/name/file.txt");
        console.log("File is equal");



  • dirHash(path1, path2, [options], callback)
  • dirHashSync(path1, path2, [options])

Compare files with an hash NOTE: This method can't correctly tell you that the files are equal, but can tell you if they are different


  • fs (Object): an alternative fs module to use (default will be enfspatch)
  • dereference (Boolean): if true will dereference symlinks listing the items to where it points (default: false)
  • hash (String) - the type of hash to use in comparison, default to 'sha512'
  • encoding (String) - the type of hash encoding used to compare the files, default to 'hex'
  • chunkSize (String) - the size in bytes used to read files default 8192 (Only in sync method)
    var result = enfscompare.filesHashSync("/home/name","/home/another_folder_name");
        console.log("Folders are equal");


Run the files in benchmarks folder to check which algorithm is fastest in your machine with different file sizes


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Copyright (c) 2016 Joao Parreira joaofrparreira@gmail.com GitHub

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit CC-BY-4.0.