
generates a string containing a message and trimmed stack from error

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import errorShortener from '';



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This module is written on typescript, and contains the .d.ts file.
If you write on typescript: just use it in your project and definitions will be automatically uploaded.

npm i -S error-shortener


Once I tired of reading the error-stack on several screens. So I wrote the module to clean the stack: it removes the elements that are out of your repository (based on process.cwd()), and the elements from the node_modules folder.
Note: before cleaning the error will be checked to the expected format. If it is different, the stack cleaning will not be fulfilled.


const API = require('error-shortner')

// performs reduction of the stack, normalized error-stack indents, replacement message and name to the actual
// alias to API.fmtShortError
API.fmtError(arg: API.IErrorLike): string
// normalized error-stack indents, replacement message and name to the actual
API.fmtLongErrorf(arg: API.IErrorLike): string
// compliance argument with the interface
API.isIErrorLike(arg: any): arg is API.IErrorLike


Example: error has an expected format

when formatting:

  • Replaced the old SomeError to the new NewError name.
  • Replaced the old message to new.
  • Excluded calls that do not relate to your source code.
  • Removed process.cwd() part of the file paths.
import { fmtError } from 'error-shortener'

const likeBluebirdError = {
    name:    `NewError`,
    message: `Text added from some place!\
              \n\t SomeMeta: foo=bar; other=abc\
              \n\t OriginalError: something happened!`,
    stack:   `SomeError: something happened!
                  at error (/home/nskazki/node.js/example/index.js:12:28)
              From previous event:
                  at error (/home/nskazki/node.js/example/index.js:12:27)
                  at /home/nskazki/node.js/example/index.js:19:15
                  at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:92:15)
              From previous event:
                  at Object.<anonymous> (/home/nskazki/node.js/example/index.js:19:4)
                  at Module._compile (module.js:413:34)
                  at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:422:10)
                  at Module.load (module.js:357:32)
                  at Function.Module._load (module.js:314:12)
                  at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:447:10)
                  at startup (node.js:141:18)
                  at node.js:933:3`

NewError: Text added from some place!
       SomeMeta: foo=bar; other=abc
       OriginalError: something happened!
    at error (index.js:12:28)
From previous event:
    at error (index.js:12:27)
    at index.js:19:15`
From previous event:
    at Object.<anonymous> (index.js:19:4)

Example: unknown error format

when formatting:

  • added default Error name
  • normalized error-stack indents
import { fmtError } from 'error-shortener'

const likePhantomError = {
    message: 'JSON.stringify cannot serialize cyclic structures.',
    stack:   `stringify@[native code]

              global code
              evaluateJavaScript@[native code]


Error: JSON.stringify cannot serialize cyclic structures.
    stringify@[native code]
    global code
    evaluateJavaScript@[native code]
