
A visual machine run in ES env like Node/Browser

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import esVm from '';



npm install esvm

What to do

ESVM is a virtual machine used to run async/sync program by ECMAScript engine. It provides RPC, Statement and Scope to help to design a execution tree. With ESVM you can easily define statement using the provided template and fetch response from remote with RPC module.

How to use


Life Cycle of ESVM

  • bootstrap - vm start.
  • load program - load the defined statement into vm.
  • program run - run the statement.
  • halt - vm stops if program end or meets error.

ESVM will be blocked and stop running in several circumstances. The block status can be resumed and make the vm continue to run from the last stop position.

Quick Example

const {ESVM} = require('esvm')

// Get vm instance.
const vk = new ESVM();

// Define a simple statement.
const program = new Statement();
program.execute = function* (vm) {
    yield 'hello';

// Load the statement into vm.

// Run the statement.
// VM will halt when execution completed.


In ESVM, we define a statement template and it can be easily used to implement more complicated statement. User can define their own statement class by inheriting from Statement class and then override the constructorexecute function.


const {Statement} = require('esvm');

// Define a simple statement.
const program = new Statement();

// Implement execute function.
program.execute = function* (vm) {
    yield [statement_1];
    yield [statement_2];
    yield [statement_n];


ESVM can send message to remote and get response synchronouslys or asynchronously. fetch() is called to start a RPC request, then an event named fetch will be emmited, vm will be blocked and wait for response from remote. Response is in a format like {ret, err} and we can simplely set the value through rpc.setRet(val) & rpc.setDate(val)

Default Response

{ret: null, err: null}

Async Call

Pass a process function to async(), and the function will be wrapped with a promise by async() implementation. Promise can be returned from process function, and it will be executed after the previous promise.

rpc.async(vm => {
    // Can rpc.setRet & setError in async().
    // Use vm to access vm-instance of the rpc anywhere.

    // Some code here

    return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
        // Some code ...
