
An ES6 isomorphic ReactJS boilerplate

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import es6ReactBoilerplate from '';


ES6 Isomorphic React Boilerplate

A complete isomorphic Facebook React boilerplate.

Including React-Router and Reflux for your next web application!

Contributions are welcome! Please drop me a PR!

Libraries Included

Installation / How-to

I recommend to use io.js to take advantages of ES6 without --harmony flag on NodeJS.

It's super easy to do with nvm:

  • $ nvm install iojs
  • $ nvm use iojs
  • $ nvm alias default iojs (to make node default to iojs)

After that, you will just need to clone the repo and install dependancies:

  • $ git clone
  • $ cd iso-react && npm install
  • $ npm install -g gulp

Run the project in development:

  • $ gulp dev

Open your browser to http://localhost:8080 and you will see the magic happens! Try to disable JavaScript in your browser, you will still be able to navigate between pages of the application. Enjoy the power of isomorphic applications!

Build project:

Just run $ gulp build, it will produce these tasks:

  • Concat & minify styles to /dist/css/styles.css
  • Concat & minify scripts to /dist/js/app.js
  • Optimize & copy images to /dist/img/