
eslint plugin for mini programs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eslintPluginMiniprogram from '';



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This ESLint plugin exists to help you lint your Mini Program code.

.mina files

For developing with .mina files, you can refer to mina-webpack repo for details.

How to use

Install the plugin:

npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-miniprogram

In your .eslintrc.js file, include this plugin:

// .eslintrc.js
module.exposts = {
  // you'll need vue-eslint-parser for `.mina` files
  parser: "vue-eslint-parser",
  plugins: [
    // amongst other other plugins, e.g. prettier
    // include this plugin

Enable rules:

// .eslintrc.js
module.exposts = {
  rules: {
    // other rules
    "miniprogram/attribute-event-name-case": ["error", "camel"],
    "miniprogram/component-name": ["error"],
    "miniprogram/no-unused-components": ["error"],
    "miniprogram/no-unregistered-components": ["error"],
    "miniprogram/no-wx-sync-api": ["warn"],
    "miniprogram/prefer-wx-promisify": ["error"],
    "miniprogram/config-json-validate-fields": ["error"]
    // rest of the rules


Prefer wx promisify (prefer-wx-promisify)

Mini Program API introduces a new style of callbacks whick could be a new callback hell.

You can use promisify to enter the Promise world.


Prefer promisify over wx style callbacks including success, fail and complete.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

  url: "",
  success(res) {
  fail(error) {
  complete() {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

try {
  const res = await promisify(wx.request)({
    url: "",
} catch (error) {
} finally {

Related Rules

  • no-wx-sync-api

Disallow the use of wx.xxSync API (no-wx-sync-api)

Sync API will block JavaScript running and cause bad performance.

For example wx.getStorageSync costs 30~100ms CPU time:

wx.setStorageSync("key", "value");

Rule Details

Disallow any wx.xxxSync API call.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

wx.setStorageSync("key", "value");

Examples of correct code for this rule:

await promisify(wx.setStorage)({
  key: "key",
  data: "value"

Related Rules

  • prefer-wx-promisify

No unused component (no-unused-components)

Rule Details

Bad case:

  "component": ture,
  "usingComponent": {
    // unused `my-comp`
    "my-comp": "/path/to/myComp.mina"


No unregistered component (no-unregistered-components)

Bad case:

  "component": ture,
  "usingComponent": {
    "my-comp": "/path/to/myComp.mina"

  <!-- typo here -->
  <my-compp />

Validate fields in component / page config file (config-json-validate-fields)

WeChat Baidu
Use Page for page no components no components
Use Component for page usingComponents component
Use Component for component usingComponents component
navigationBarTextStyle values can only be black/white
backgroundTextStyle values can only be dark/light

Different Mini Program runtimes have different required fields in config (.json) file.

You should add "conponent": true if you are using Component function.

// comp.js
<!-- comp.mina -->
{ "component": true, "usingComponents": {} }

You should not use "conponent": true in Page function.

// page.js
<!-- page.mina -->
{ "usingComponents": {} }

You should always add "usingComponents": {}, even if it's empty.

<!-- comp.mina -->
{ "component": true, "usingComponents": {} }

You should only use black or white for navigationBarTextStyle values.

You should only use dark or light for backgroundTextStyle values.

Lint usingComponents name (component-name)

Some use cases:

  "comp": "/path/to/myComp.mina", // should be `my-comp
  "comp": "/path/to/anotherComp/index.mina" // should be `another-comp`

Check event name case (attribute-event-name-case)

(Demo) WeChat Baidu
Camel Case bind:myEvent
Kebab Case bind:my-event ×
Snake Case bind:my_event
  • 'camel'
<comp bind:myEvent="onClick" />
  • 'kebab'
<comp bind:my-event="onClick" />
  • 'snake'
<comp bind:my_event="onClick" />