
Transform JSX in estrees to function calls (for react, preact, and most hyperscript interfaces)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import estreeUtilBuildJsx from '';



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Transform JSX to function calls: <x /> -> h('x')!

There is currently one project actively maintained that can transform JSX to function calls: Babel. Babel is amazing but ginormous (±300kb) and slow. Switching from it to estree in a project where Babel was only a small part made the whole project 68% smaller and 63% faster. So let’s make that two implementations.


This package is ESM only: Node 12+ is needed to use it and it must be imported instead of required.


npm install estree-util-build-jsx


Say we have the following file, example.jsx:

import x from 'xastscript'

  <album id={123}>
    <name>Born in the U.S.A.</name>
    <artist>Bruce Springsteen</artist>
    <releasedate date="1984-04-06">April 6, 1984</releasedate>

    {1 + 1}
    <self-closing />
    <x name key="value" key={expression} {...spread} />

And our script, example.js, looks as follows:

import fs from 'fs'
import {Parser} from 'acorn'
import jsx from 'acorn-jsx'
import astring from 'astring'
import {buildJsx} from 'estree-util-build-jsx'

var doc = fs.readFileSync('example.jsx')

var tree = Parser.extend(jsx()).parse(doc, {
  sourceType: 'module',
  ecmaVersion: 2020

buildJsx(tree, {pragma: 'x', pragmaFrag: 'null'})


Now, running node example yields:

import x from 'xastscript';
console.log(x("album", {
  id: 123
}, x("name", null, "Born in the U.S.A."), x("artist", null, "Bruce Springsteen"), x("releasedate", {
  date: "1984-04-06"
}, "April 6, 1984")));
console.log(x(null, null, 1 + 1, x("self-closing"), x("x", Object.assign({
  name: true,
  key: "value",
  key: expression
}, spread))));


This package exports the following identifiers: buildJsx. There is no default export.

buildJsx(tree, options?)

Turn JSX in tree (Program) into hyperscript calls.


Choose the runtime. (string, 'automatic' or 'classic', default: 'classic'). Comment form: @jsxRuntime theRuntime.


Place to import jsx, jsxs, and/or Fragment from, when the effective runtime is automatic (string, default: 'react'). Comment: @jsxImportSource theSource. Note that /jsx-runtime is appended to this provided source.


Identifier or member expression to call when the effective runtime is classic (string, default: 'React.createElement'). Comment: @jsx identifier.


Identifier or member expression to use as a sumbol for fragments when the effective runtime is classic (string, default: 'React.Fragment'). Comment: @jsxFrag identifier.


Node — The given tree.


To support configuration from comments, those comments have to be in the program. This is done automatically by espree. For acorn, it can be done like so:

import {Parser} from 'acorn'
import jsx from 'acorn-jsx'

var doc = ''

var comments = []
var tree = Parser.extend(jsx()).parse(doc, {onComment: comments})
tree.comments = comments

In almost all cases, this utility is the same as the Babel plugin, except that they work on slightly different syntax trees.

Some differences:

  • No pure annotations or dev things
  • this is not a component: <this> -> h('this'), not h(this)
  • Namespaces are supported: <a:b c:d> -> h('a:b', {'c:d': true}), which throws by default in Babel or can be turned on with throwIfNamespace
  • No useSpread, useBuiltIns, or filter options



MIT © Titus Wormer