
evolution-drone is a node JS library for interfacing with Evolution Controller's Drone gamepad

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import evolutionDrone from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/evolution-drone';



evolution-drone is a node JS library for interfacing with Evolution Controller's Drone gamepad.

This library provides a basic DeviceManager that continuously scans for Drone devices. Once a device is detected, an event will be dispatched that contains the new Device instance. You can then use this instance to connect to the Drone controller.

After you connect to a Device, that instance will then emit DeviceDataEvents that contain details of how the controller is being used.

This library is a work in progress and a side hobby of mine. If you have interest in contributing or specific requests, please feel free to open up an issue on github and I will get back to you.

Latest Version 0.0.3

NOTE: This documentation is still being written. If you click on a link and it doesn't go anywhere, it's likely because that portion of the docs hasn't been written yet. If there are parts of the docs you'd like us to focus on, feel free to ask!

Quick Examples

Using DeviceManager

var evolution  = require('evolution-drone');

var DeviceManager   = evolution.DeviceManager;

var myDeviceManager = new DeviceManager();
myDeviceManager.addEventListener(DeviceManager.EventTypes.DEVICE_DETECTED, function(event) {
    var device = event.getData().device;

    // Use device!

myDeviceManager.addEventListener(DeviceManager.EventTypes.DEVICE_LOST, function(event) {
    var device = event.getData().device;

    // Device was lost, do what you must....


Connecting to a Device and listening for DeviceDataEvents

var evolution       = require('evolution-drone');
var DeviceDataEvent = evolution.DeviceDataEvent;
var DeviceManager   = evolution.DeviceManager;

var myDeviceManager = new DeviceManager();
myDeviceManager.addEventListener(DeviceManager.EventTypes.DEVICE_DETECTED, function(event) {
    var device = event.getData().device;
    device.addEventListener(DeviceDataEvent.EventTypes.DATA, function(event) {


evolution-drone is dependent upon the following libraries

Download Source

The source is available for download from GitHub


For node js, you can install using Node Package Manager npm

npm install evolution-drone


In node js:

npm will install the bugcore, bugpack, and node-hide dependencies

var drone = require('evolution-drone');




Class used to represent a detected Drone device.


 * @class
 * @extends {EventDispatcher}
var Device = Class.extend(EventDispatcher, {

    _name: "evolution.Device",

View code


Constructor Summary

Access Signature
constructor Device({{interface: number, manufacturer: string, path: string, product: string, productId: string, release: number, serialNumber: string, vendorId: string}} hidDevice)

Getters and Setters Summary

Access Signature Return Type
public getConnected() {boolean}
public getConnection() {DeviceConnection}
public setConnection({DeviceConnection} deviceConnection) None
public getInterface() {number}
public getManufacturer() {string}
public getPath() {string}
public getProduct() {string}
public getProductId() {string}
public getRelease() {number}
public getSerialNumber() {string}
public getVendorId() {string}

Method Summary

Access Signature Return Type
public connectToDevice() None
public disconnectFromDevice() None

### Device(hidDevice)

The constructor for a Device


 * @constructs
 * @param {{
 *      interface: number,
 *      manufacturer: string,
 *      path: string,
 *      product: string,
 *      productId: string,
 *      release: number,
 *      serialNumber: string,
 *      vendorId: string
 * }} hidDevice
_constructor: function(hidDevice) {


Name Type Description
hidDevice {{interface: number, manufacturer: string, path: string, product: string, productId: string, release: number, serialNumber: string, vendorId: string}} The hid device that was output by node-hid


Instantiating a Device using node-hid

var hid         = require('node-hid');
var devices     = hid.devices();
var myDevice    = new Device(devices[0]);

### Device#getConnected()

Get whether or not a connection is open with this Device


 * @return {boolean}
getConnected: function() {


  • None


  • {boolean} - Whether or not a connection is open with the Device.


var myDevice    = new Device(devices[0]);
myDevice.getConnected();    // false, Devices do not automatically have a connection open when they're detected.

### Device#getConnection()

Get the connection open with this Device, if one has been opened.


 * @return {DeviceConnection}
getConnection: function() {


  • None


  • {DeviceConnection} - The connection open with this Device.


Device does not have a connection when it is instantiated

var device = new Device();
device.getConnection();         // null

Device does not have a connection when it is first detected

myDeviceManager.addEventListener(DeviceManager.EventTypes.DEVICE_DETECTED, function(event) {
    var device = event.getData().device;
    device.getConnection()      // null

Device has connection after connectToDevice is called

myDeviceManager.addEventListener(DeviceManager.EventTypes.DEVICE_DETECTED, function(event) {
    var device = event.getData().device;
    device.getConnection()      // {DeviceConnection}


Class used to represent a connection to a Drone device.


 * @class
 * @extends {EventDispatcher}
var DeviceConnection = Class.extend(EventDispatcher, {

    _name: "evolution.DeviceConnection",

View code


Constructor Summary

Access Signature
constructor DeviceConnection({HID} hidConnection)

Getters and Setters Summary

Access Signature Return Type
public getHidConnection() {HID}

Method Summary

Access Signature Return Type
public closeConnection() None
public destroyConnection() None



Class used to represent a data event from the Drone device.


 * @class
 * @extends {Event}
var DeviceDataEvent = Class.extend(Event, /** @lends {DeviceDataEvent.prototype} */{

    _name: "evolution.DeviceDataEvent",

View code


Constructor Summary

Access Signature
constructor DeviceDataEvent({string} type, {*} data)

Getters and Setters Summary

Access Signature Return Type
public getData() {{a: boolean, b: boolean, x: boolean, y: boolean, lb: boolean, rb: boolean, lt: boolean, rt: boolean, select: boolean, start: boolean, dup: boolean, dleft: boolean, dright: boolean, ddown: boolean, leftStick: { x: number, y: number, pressed: boolean }, rightStick: { x: number, y: number, pressed: boolean }}}

Method Summary

Access Signature Return Type
public getLeftStick() {{ x: number, y: number, pressed: boolean }}
public getLeftStickX() {number}
public getLeftStickY() {number}
public getRightStick() {{ x: number, y: number, pressed: boolean }}
public getRightStickX() {number}
public getRightStickY() {number}
public isAButtonPressed() {boolean}
public isBButtonPressed() {boolean}
public isDirectionDownPressed() {boolean}
public isDirectionLeftPressed() {boolean}
public isDirectionRightPressed() {boolean}
public isDirectionUpPressed() {boolean}
public isLeftBumperPressed() {boolean}
public isLeftStickPressed() {boolean}
public isLeftTriggerPressed() {boolean}
public isRightBumperPressed() {boolean}
public isRightStickPressed() {boolean}
public isRightTriggerPressed() {boolean}
public isSelectButtonPressed() {boolean}
public isStartButtonPressed() {boolean}
public isXButtonPressed() {boolean}
public isYButtonPressed() {boolean}



