
ExcSignInModule implements all the standard security parts like Login, Logout, TokenSecurity, ChangePassword, ForgottenPassword, etc..

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import excSignin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/exc-signin';



Module ExcSigninModule

ExcSignInModule implements all the standard security parts like Login, Logout, TokenSecurity, ChangePassword, ForgottenPassword, etc..


The ExcSigninService is the service for standard authentication an authorization in GROOT Framework. It has to be used for Login and Logout against EXCON Security Service.



Property Type Description
Credentials ExcCredentials Gets the actual credentialsInstance for Login. It will be cleared after successful login.
IsInitializing Boolean Gets a flag if security is initializing
LoggedIn Boolean Gets a flag if the user is logged in
UserLogin String Gets the login of the actual logged in user
UserName String Gets the name of the actual logged in user
LoginUrl String Gets the computed url for default login
LoginUserUrl String Gets the computed url for default user refresh
LogoutUrl String Gets the computed url for default logout
LoginValidationUrl String Gets the computed url for login validation
LoginProfileUrl String Gets the computed url for profile of logged in user
LoginChangePasswordUrl String Gets the computed url for changepassword of the logged in user
PasswordForgottenStage Int Gets the stage of password forgotten
PasswordForgottenObject object Gets the actual password forgotten object for endpoint
PasswordForgottenUrl String Gets the computed url for password forgotten endpoint


Method Return Description
cancelPasswordForgotten() string Gets a computed url from config and replaces placeholders with values of pObj
showPasswordForgotten() Boolean Activates password forgotten mode
sendPasswordForgottenMail() void Sends the request for password forgotten for the user
activateForgottenPwdStage3(route, value) void Activated by password forgotten link. Shows input fields for new password
setPasswordForgottenPwd() void Sets the new password in password forgotten mode
showChangePasswordDialog() void Shows change password dialog for logged in user
isStateAvailable(routeName: string) Boolean Checks the given routes security token, if it is included in users tokenlist
isFeatured(featureToken: string) Boolean Checks if the featureToken exists in users tokenlist
Login() void Performs login
Logout() void Performs logout
getBigMenu() object Gets datasource for MegaMenu