
Exemd driver for petri nets graphs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import exemdPn from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/exemd-pn';


exemd-pn NPM version

Exemd driver for petri nets graphs

Install globally with npm:

npm i -g exemd-pn

Additional instructions

Install dot or graphviz before this plugin.

Short help

connect connects an array of named nodes to a single node. One or more stars * after the name of the node mean that one or more tokens are displayed on the node:

```{pn !}
connect(["invoked", "p*"] ,"x_has_value")

Will generate this:

You can also add external labels to nodes with add-x-label, such as in:

```{pn !}
add-x-label("p1*", "p1")
add-x-label("p2*", "p2")
add-x-label("p3*", "p3")
connect(["p1*", "p2*"] ,"p3")

which generates:

You can also have an array of node names as a destination of a transition:

```{pn !}
connect(["p0*", "p*"] ,["p1*", "p2"])
connect(["p1*", "p2"] ,"p3")

which generates:


  • Vittorio Zaccaria


Copyright (c) 2015 Vittorio Zaccaria Released under the license

This file was generated by verb-cli on March 20, 2015.