Exit Strategy
- Generates error event handlers to gracefully kill your app
- Optimised for use with node's domains
- Uses visionmedia's logger to print POSIX error codes to STDOUT that will be picked up by logwatch
Full Example
var app = require('express').express(),
domain = require('domain'),
appDomain = domain.create(),
exitStrategy = require('exit-strategy'),
exitAppDomain =,
exitServerDomain = exitStrategy.server.exitServerDomain,
exitApp = exitAppDomain(app),
server, exitServer;
// attach error handler
appDomain.on('error', exitApp);
// wrap app execution in domain to deal with uncaught exceptions () {
// 1. create http server
server = server.listen(app.get('port'), function() {
// you need to add this!
app.set('serverListening', true);
// 2. replace exitApp with exitServer error handler once inited server
exitServer = exitServerDomain(app, server);
appDomain.on('error', exitServer).removeListener('error', exitApp);
// 3. kill app for serious error evts you catch and broadcast with app.emit('seriousError')
app.on('seriousError', exitServer);
process.on('SIGTERM', exitServer);
// 4. send 502s to new connections if started server shutdown process
// define routes etc
Logwatch Setup
- by default logwatch watches all files in /var/log and subdirs
- make sure your app logs to a file in this dir
- logwatch will email you alerts depending upon the --detail level you set it to
.app.exitServerDomain(app, httpServer) returns -> fn (err)
- app needs get/set methods (see getter-setter module if you don't want to use express)
- returns error handler function (fn (err))
var app = require('express').express(),
appDomain = domain.create(),
exitAppDomain = require('exit-strategy').app.exitAppDomain(app);
var server = server.listen(app.get('port'), function() {
// you need to add this!
app.set('serverListening', true);
appDomain.on('error', exitServerDomain(app, server)); () {
// run your app - set up routes etc...
what the server domain error handler does:
- checks if the server is active
- calls server.close()
- sets timer to kill app if server.close() takes more than 30s
- calls exitApp
- calls exitProcess
.app.exitAppDomain(app) returns -> fn (err)
app needs get/set methods (see getter-setter module if you don't want to use express)
returns error handler function (fn (err))
var app = require('express').express(), appDomain = domain.create(), exitAppDomain = require('exit-strategy').app.exitAppDomain(app); appDomain.on('error', exitApp); () { // run your app });
what the app domain error handler does:
- if app.get('serverListening') then lets serverDomain handle it
- sets app flag
app.set('killingApp', true);
- calls exitProcess
.exitProcess(app, err)
what it does:
- logs error to STDOUT
- exits process
- Middleware to prevent new connections once the exit routine has been initiated.
- If you are load balancing then see this guide for configuring nginx to fail over to the next upstream server
var app = require('express').express(),
// send 502s to new connections if started server shutdown process