
Expect for streams.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expectlyStream from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/expectly-stream';



Expect like functions for streams.


npm install expectly-stream

Expectly Constructor

createExpectlyStream(readStream, writeStream, options)

Create a new ExpectlyStream object attached to your stream. The options object can have a timeout setting in milliseconds.

Example usage...

    var expectlystream = require('expectly-stream');
    var streamConnection; // This should be an active stream.
    var session = expectlystream.createExpectlyStream(streamConnection, {timeout: 5000});

    // sync execution...
       .respond(/Password:/, "somepassword\r\n")
       .match(/some regex/, function(err, results, done){
           // Do something creative here with the ...
           done(); // Release flow control back to the app.
        .between(/starting regex/, /end regex/, function(err, results, done){
       .end(function(err) {

    // At the same time... async
    session.expect(/pattern/mi, function(err) {


Expectly Methods

  • .send(data, callback, remaining) - Sends data our the writeable stream. The data can be a string or a buffer. When a callback is supplied it is executed and passes an err, results and remaining values. The remaining value is used only when the function is executed in a sync() chain.

  • .expect(regex, callback, remaining, customTimeout) - Listens for incomming chunks of data on the read stream and tests it against the regex supplied. The callback function is optional and returns a (err, remaining). The expect method will timeout if a regex does match. By default the module will use the defaultTimeout provided in the constructor. You can also set a customTimeout as the last argument. The timeouts are in ms. e.g. 1000ms = 1 second.

  • .respond(regex, data, callback, remaining, customTimeout) - Listens for incomming chunks of data on the read stream and tests it against the regex supplied. Once a match is detected it will send the data. The other arguments operate like the .expect() method.

  • .match(pattern, callback, remaining, customTimeout) - Operates like expect except it will return a Regex match object when the callback is called. The callback function returns (err, regexMatchObject, remaining) when called.

  • .between(startPattern, endPattern, callback, remaining, customTimeout) - Starts recording data after the first startPattern regex match until the start of the endPattern regex match. This is useful for matching complex multi line data. The callback function returns (err, responseString, remaining).

  • .get(key) - Returns the value of a key stored in the Expectly object.

  • .set(key, value) - Sets a key value that is stored in the Expectly object.

  • .sync() - Starts a sync flow control chain that executes multiple commands in order. Any remaining data from a method is passed to the next method in the chain. Sync will not start executing util the .end() method is added to the chain.

    • .send(data) - Sends data out the write stream.
    • .expect(regex, customTimeout) - Halts the chain until the expect regex matches.
    • .respond(regex, data, customTimeout) - Matches the regex and then sends the data.
    • .match(regex, callback, customTimeout) - Matches the regex and then executes your callback. The callback is passed a (err, results, done). You need to make sure you call the done callback to pass control back to the sync chain.
    • .between(startPattern, endPattern, callback, customTimeout) Returns the data between the startPattern and endPattern regexes. The callback is passed a (err, results, done). You need to make sure you call the done callback to pass control back to the sync chain.
    • .end(callback) - Ends a sync chain and is executed last or if there is an error. Callback expects (err, remaining). This must be added to the end of your sync chain.