
A wrapper around expo's [FileSystem](https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/filesystem/) that matches node's FS api. Built to support [isomorphic-git](https://isomorphic-git.org/) on [expo](https://expo.io/).

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expoFs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/expo-fs';



A wrapper around expo's FileSystem that matches node's FS api. Built to support isomorphic-git on expo.


  • Expo doesn't support file modes
    • Currently we return 0o644 all the time. This might cause issues, but in an expo context, there are no executable files, so unclear what to do here. Most likely, isomorphic-git writes the permissions, we ignore them, and hopefully it never checks them.
  • Expo doesn't support symlinks
    • Currently we throw in the link related methods.
    • Git itself (including ismorphic-git) doesn't rely on symlinks.
    • This is probably okay for repos which don't include symlinks.
